The pictures of the Aquarium with OR Bar LED are coming and they are awesome! Today we want to share 20 pictures of reef aquariums using our OR120/90/60 Bar LED lights and ideas of possible combinations and layouts. For those of you who still haven’t heard of our OR Bar LED lights here just a […]
New version launch Orphek Atlantik V4 and Compact Gen 2
Orphek is introducing to you today the Orphek Atlantik V4 and Atlantik V4 Compact Generation 2 For the company’s 10th year celebration we decided to rebuild the Atlantik series from scratch while keeping the same overall look, same spectrum and same power. But get it wrong, there are changes and we will show you now! […]
Client comments Growth is amazing with Atlantik v4 Reef Aquarium LED Lights
In May, 2017 we have posted a gorgeous South African reef tank under Atlantik V4 The reef tank comes from from Durban, South Africa belonging to Alli Mohammed. He has updated us with some pictures and was super kind to send us feedback about his Orphek experience: “Good day James just wanna say thank you for […]
Orphek Amazonas 320 Light Rare Beautiful Australian Freshwater Fish
Orphek Amazonas 320 Customized LED Spectrum Orphek is probably the only company developing emitters that is also offering LED light spectrums in the market today. Most likely we are indeed the only ones capable of doing so! Today we would like to share this beautiful project coming from the land Down Under. We have customized […]
Bulk reef supply stocks the new Orphek Atlantik V4 Gen 2
Looking for the best saltwater reef aquarium LED lighting in the USA? If you are looking for the best saltwater reef aquarium LED lighting in the USA, you will find it in the most reliable American online supplier today! You all know already about our partnership with Bulk Reef Supply. Just in case you have […]
Saltwater reef aquarium LED lighting India
Orphek Atlantik V4 LED Aquarium has arrived in India We are very excited to publish for the first time a photo coming from India! L. Lakshminarayanan has sent us a photo of his new reef tank taken while he was running the biological cycling mode (therefore the water is a bit clouded).Our client has recently […]
Product Review OR120 Reef Daylight & Blue-Sky
Tony UK – Orphek OR120 Bar LED & Radion XR30 Pro gen3 Today we are sharing a different kind of review. Our client Tony, from the UK, sent us feedback about replacing his previous lights of other brands and upgrading it with Orphek LED Lighting. We liked this review because he details the entire process, […]
Orphek OR 120 Bar LED Lights All EasternMarine Aquariums
OR 120 Bar LED doing great over EasternMarine Aquariums EasternMarine Aquariums is one of the largest marine livestock importers in New Zealand and we are proud today to say that they are chose Orphek LED solutions to light all their aquariums. In order to grow and enhance colors fast with both low heat and cost they […]
Orphek Reef OR 120 blue sky Bar LED Lighting with ATI T5
Orphek Blue Sky Bar LED with old technology T5 We would like to thank Carlos V. from Puerto Rico for sharing these wonderful photos of his gorgeous reef tank. He recently bought two of our OR120 with the Sky Blue spectrum with no lenses to complement his ATI T5 lighting. Check out how the OR120 […]
Review Why Orphek Atlantik V4 is the Best Reef Aquarium LED Lighting
Want to know why Orphek Atlantik V4 is the best Reef Aquarium LED light? Check out the video and you will find out all about it! In this video made by Reef glow19 you will see how he upgraded from the Atlantik V1.2 to the Atlantik V4 after 4 yrs and the development of his […]
Project Atlantik LED Lighting ends after 3 years
Project Atlantik by Gary Wilkinson UK Over the years Orphek has published many aquariums and share many beautiful photos of client’s corals. We have posted their testimonials and their love for our LED solutions. Some are huge tanks from public venues, some are quite small from a client’s living room or office. Most importantly, in […]
Orphek Atlantik LED Aquarium light amazing 120 gallon build
Reef glow19 share his tank from its construction and the results with Orphek Atlantik LED Light 4 years above his tank. This weekend we are happy to show one more tank from a client that are sharing his tank construction from scratch. There are nice photos, videos and all you need to know about the […]
Nausicaa Public Aquarium Photos with Orphek LED lights
Nausicca Public Aquarium photos are looking will blow your mind with Orphek Amazonas 500 LED lights! Since August, 2017 we have been posting about our project with French Public Aquarium Nausicaá at Boulogne-sur-Mer in France. Nausicaá opened in 19th of May and it is already mesmerizing 1000s of visitors. This week we want to share the beautiful photos we received […]
UK Client Upgrades to Atlantik V4 and his reef looks amazing
Client from the UK upgrades his Atlantik V2.1 to Atlantik V4 We have been posting many aquariums from the UK over the last years and one of Orphek’s long time client sent us feedback from his tank. We like to post about upgrades because it showcases how much reefers trust us and how their tanks are […]
What Orphek Atlantik V4 Compact can do in 3 weeks
Check out what Orphek Atlantik V4 Compact can do for your corals in just a week! Today we are really excited to share with you the feedback we received from a Swiss client of ours. Mate Duymi is not our first Swiss client sharing his Orphek experience, but what he did no one else has […]
NAUSICAÁ Opening Tomorrow All LED Lights By Orphek
Grand Opening of Nausicaá – Europe’s largest tank in a Public Aquarium. Photo Credit: Ville de Boulogne-sur-Mer official website On the 19th of May 2018, a massive expansion of NAUSICAA will open to the public for the first time. Back in August, 2017 we have posted about our project with French Public Aquarium Nausicaa at Boulogne-sur-Mer […]
High end mounting structure for Orphek Atlantik V4 reef aquarium lights
High end reef aquarium by Sam Slobusky of Wetwork Reef 145 Orphek has a long partnership with Sam Slobusky from Wetwork, a company based in New Orleans that among other services, provides custom design and complete installation services worldwide. Our partnership has endured all these years due to a common professional standard of quality of the services rendered […]
New Review Orphek OR60 Blue sky and UV-Violet Bar LED Light
Review: Orphek Atlantik V4 (90days) + OR60 1week (UV-Violet & Blue Sky). LED lights that make corals pop with color Orphek Atlantik V4 Reef LED Lights The Orphek Atlantik V4 coloration was really fantastic especially with fluorescence pigment and more than sufficient Par for my mixed coral tank. The most important is the Atlantik V4 […]
OR 120 Bar LED Light – Freshwater Planted
Client shared a photo of his freshwater planted aquarium with two new Orphek OR 120 Bar LED Light Today’s pictures come from Maryland, USA. Edward, our client, has recently bought two OR120 Freshwater Planted Lights for his 80 gallon planted tank and we would like to share these nice photos he has sent to us. […]
Orphek OR 120 Reef Bar LED Light Blue Sky Spectrum
The most powerful Bar LED Light for reef aquarium – Orphek OR 120 Our Orphek OR Bar LED Lights are a sensation and clients are already sending us pictures that we are very excited to share with you. Today’s reef aquarium come from Scandinavia. Our customer Miikka, who lives in Helsinki (Finland) has sent us […]