OR3 120 Blue Sky LED, PAR measures, Euro per watt value by DaniReef LAB

Our OR3 Blue Sky LED Bar has already became the must have product among reefers and today it is also the best value per watt according to Danireef blog.
Danireef blog is the greatest Italian source for reefers in Europe and for our surprise and excitement has published recently a long article with an extensive review of our OR3 120 Blue Sky LED Reef Bar, offering a lot of technical information and performance of our newest product and what is really interesting is to check out the extensive PAR measurements results.
He also compares our newest launch to other Orphek OR3 120 LED Bars (OR3 120 Blue Plus ,OR3 120 Reef Day ).
Table of comparison EURO X Watt

*Pls. notice that the given prices of our OR3 120 Blue Sky have slight change for less.
As Danilio Ronchi explains:
“As we have already said for the OR2 Reef Day Plus and Blue Plus sisters , the LED bar is simply impeccably built. Solid, massive and very well assembled. I really like the extruded profiles as well as the finish. No programming ensures perfect simplicity of operation, moreover, several can be placed side by side until the required power is obtained. In this context, the measured PARs must be thought of, since the comparison with a ceiling light is rather merciless...
…But already if we consider the total energy the accounts begin to add up, even considering that the light adds up. So the bars are perfect for growing any coral, the important thing is to put a sufficient number of them alongside. Do you want to double the PAR? Put two of them side by side, do you want to quadruple them? Place 4 of them side by side, and so on. Personally I think that 4 LED bars should be able to get us to about 600 PAR in an average aquarium, variable according to the depth…
And he continues
“The cost per watt is incredibly low, the lowest of all those we have measured, while on the PAR per watt we need to have other bars available, in this case blue, before expressing ourselves. What else to ask from an LED bar?”

Want more?
Continuing today’s post we have more exciting videos, photos, graphs, information with all you need to know about our newest launch the OR3 Blue Sky 120 and more Orphek OR3 LED Bars according Danireef LAB.
Unboxing Video
First we have the unboxing video where you will be able to see how your OR3 Blue Sky 120 LED bar will arrive to you.
If you speak Italian you will also be able to have a complete review of the product, a comparison to other OR3 models, PAR measures and his opinion on the product, since he is both an experienced reefer and engineer.
For non Italian speakers we extracted some of his opinions from the article that came with the video:
“The new LED bar of the very successful OR3 series is born with only two types of LEDs, 450 and 470 nanometers…The external aluminum finish works as a passive heatsink, and given the weight and volume of the aluminum we are sure that these LED bars will never have overheating problems. the assembly is practically perfect…The bars are, like the previous OR2, beautiful, solid and appear very well made…” (extracted from Danireef blog)
Let’s get to it!! THE PAR MEASURES:
DaniReef LAB working method for PAR measurement:
The Quantum Meter MQ-510 measuring the PAR , expressed in PFFD or density photosynthetic photon flux ( photosynthetic photon flux density ) in mol m-2 s-1.
Instrument was calibrated to work underwater, so when used in air the measured value must be divided by 1.32 which is the immersion factor.
Since measures were taken with no water the conversion was necessary, but the numbers and results that you will see will always be the correct ones.
In order to test our OR3 120 Blue Sky LED Bar they built a 70 × 70 cm base, with 17 points marked where to place the sensor of the Quantum Meter MQ-510.
The position the ceiling light – 20, 40 and 60 cm heights.
In total the three measurements were taken at 17, 37 and 57 cm away in the air and the corrective factor was applied.
So, with no further due let’s get these results!!
The measurement of PAR at a distance of 17 cm:

Danilo Ronchi from Danireef blog explains “As you can see, the bar creates a curve that looks like a curtain, with the spatial differences due to the type of LED used. Unlike classic ceiling lights, therefore the decay is very linear, being about 20 cm from the light source.”
Let’s see the differences with the graphs of the LED bars that they have already tested with the same scale:

The measurement of PAR at a distance of 37 cm:

Danilo compare results – “Again, as was obvious and reasonable to expect, the Blue Sky bar shows a greater number of PARs. The difference between the three ceiling lights in this case seems to be quite high.”
And finally, the measurement of PAR at a distance of 57 cm:

“By further increasing the space between the ceiling light and the sensor, the difference between the PAR measured at the center and at the edges does not decrease as we would have expected but returns to increase. Uniformity is practically perfect...
…The central value still decreases from 488 to 240 to 151 μmol m-2 s-1…The comparison between the three bars increases even more, much in the center, more than we would have expected, while at the edges the difference is minimal.” Explains Danilo.
So, as you all can see the performance of our OR3 Blue Sky is outstanding!
He gives a little more data that we find important to share with you!
The PAR in the center in the different configurations:

Energy variation of the Orphek OR3 Blue Sky LED bars based on distance:

“In my opinion, this is the most significant data among those measured, and the most comparable. The energy variation. The volumes subtended by the three surfaces you have seen previously have been calculated. Because it is obvious that moving away from the ceiling light the PAR values decrease, but they also decrease because the light illuminates a larger space...
…In this way we try to take into account all the light energy contained in the hypothetical square of 60 cm subtended by the ceiling light. And we see that the three values 318,000, 220,000 and 205,000 take on a different connotation with respect to the values measured in the center...
…When the former drop a lot because the distances increase, the underlying area, that is the energy, decreases very slowly. The differences between the three areas is very low indeed. Little energy is sent out of the underlying area.
In fact, looking at the values of the three curves we see that at the edges there is much more light at 57 cm than at 37.”

“Orphek OR3 Blue Sky ceiling light : 62.04 watts . Considering that at 17 cm the ceiling light develops 488 μmol m-2 s-1 in the center, it can be said, in perspective, that it has a peak value of 7.86 μmol m-2 s-1 w-1 (PAR per watt ). This value is difficult to compare with a ceiling light because it is more or less constant along its entire length...
…The detection of the instantaneous consumption has been made possible thanks to the use of the handy RCE PM600 instrument which is also able to measure the Cos (fi) (or phase shift ). The result is given directly in watts”.
How to evaluate these numbers in the aquarium?
“Then we filled an aquarium with water, immersed the probe and redid some measurements. This has blown us away, but, as we have already said in previous articles, we will talk about it in a future in-depth article, which we will not fail to link below…”
We hope to see this article soon!
As he continues:
“In practice, while at 20 cm the result is practically coincident, as you immerse yourself, thanks to the glasses that reflect the light, and to the water itself that diffuses it more, you can find values that are even double compared to those measured in air.
…Obviously this is not a detail that can be standardized, so we believe that our calculation method is the most correct, and the best for comparing the coverage of different ceiling lights.”
We will keep you posted, meanwhile…
More unboxing videos from clients
- Unboxing Orphek OR3 Blue sky by Italian reefer
- Unboxing Orphek OR3 Sky Blue LED Bar plus 15% discount

Orphek OR3 Reef Aquarium LED Bars combined with other brands and other Orphek LED Lighting solutions:
- Awesome reef tanks combining Orphek’s Atlantik V4 with OR3 Blue Sky
- More awesome reef tanks with Atlantik V4 OR3 Blue Sky, Blue Plus and Reef Day
- 12 Orphek layouts that you should know about
- Hybrid OR3 Reef LED Bars Showcase 4
- Mixing OR3 Reef LED Bars with other lights Showcase 3
- Mixing OR3 Reef LED Bars with other lights Showcase 2
- Mixing OR3 Reef LED Bars with other lights Showcase
Great posts you might have missed about the OR3
Orphek OR LED Bar highest economic efficiency in the market (euro per watt)!
- What to choose, Orphek OR3 Blue Sky or Blue Plus LED Bars?
- New Orphek OR3 Blue Sky 60/90/120/150 Super Pop Reef LED Lighting Bar
- The secret of coral pop with OR3 by Ryan Cunningham
- New Orphek Product Launch – OR3 150/120/90/60 UV/Violet
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- Reef Dork UK video review our OR3 Blue Plus LED Bar
- Orphek OR3 Blue Plus LED Bar in 240 Gallon SPS dominant Aquarium
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- New Orphek Product Launch – OR3 150/120/90/60 UV/Violet
- OR3 Blue Plus Reef Aquarium LED Showcase
- New Orphek Product Launch – OR3 Reef Aquarium LED Bars
- OR3 150/120/90/60 Reef LED Lighting (Product Page)
- New Orphek Product Launch – OR3 Reef Aquarium LED Bars
- OR3 Blue Plus Reef Aquarium LED Showcase
- The combination of Atlantik V4 and OR2 Bars on the amazing reef tank of Mr. Tang Go
- PAR MAP OR2 120 Blue Plus
- Orphek OR2 reef bar LED as an alternative to T5
*Pls notice that OR3 Reef Aquarium LED Bars is an improved version of the OR2, but these articles with OR2 are worth checking because it says a lot about the current product!
The Best 2020 Reef Aquarium LED Bar with Dual core 5Watt !
ABOUT OR3 – 2020
Our new model OR3 – 2020 comes with NEW LEDs! Orphek is worldwide recognized by being the leader in LED Aquarium lighting solutions capable of delivering products that provide perfect intensity/efficiency.
What does it mean?
It means you are getting the same LEDs we are offering in our Atlantik V4 fixtures! It means you are getting new customized high efficiency 5w Dual-Chip power LEDs that are even more technologically advanced, therefore more efficient!
Our new LEDs will last longer than the previous Orphek LEDs because we have improved its life span!! Running at 50% our new 2020 model 5w Dual-Chip advanced LEDs are more resistant to higher heat and it offers the highest PAR longevity with really minimum loss over the years.
Not only that, we have also improved internal lens to make sure you are getting the best Orphek LEDs!
More to read about OR3 – 2020 – The ultimate hybrid LED solution!
OR2 150/120/90/60 Reef LED Lighting X T5
Orphek has been offering panel style LED lighting solutions for the last 10 years, providing a highly diffused light source and delivering the perfect intensity and spectrum to the reef aquarium in the form of the Atlantik series.
Now combined with our OR3 you can get the ultimate spectrum as if you were using T5s!
The idea was to develop an affordable LED, offering a T5 – like coverage length of the tank, but has all the efficiency, spectrum choice and power associated with LED technology with the following benefits:
- OR3 bar LEDs typically use 50% less power consumption than T5.
- Unlike T5 bulbs, which need to be replaced very 6-12 months, LEDs require no maintenance.
- There is no new acclimation period required for corals – there is with T5 replacement for new bulbs.
- OR3 bar LEDs have an output of around 2 x that of a comparable T5 bulb – meaning less units are required to fully illuminate the aquarium.
- OR3 heat sink is around 41C and the heat is dispersed upwards rather than heating the aquarium water.
- Each OR3 bar has multiple LED color chips providing a balanced spectrum for each bar.
- OR3 LEDs penetrate the water column giving better performance at depth, providing a shimmer effect to give the aquarium a sharper, colorful visual appearance.
- OR3 bar LEDs come as standard in 2 spectrum choices with customized options available for special order.
- Just 2 x OR3 bars, a combination of 1 x Reef Day Plus and 1 x Blue Plus will deliver PAR of ~400 at the surface and ~250 + mid aquarium mounted 20cm above the water level.
If you wish to read about/buy our Orphek Universal Fixing Bracket Kit:
If you wish to read about/buy our Orphek Coral Reef Aquarium Lens Kit:
- Orphek Coral Lens Kit reviews
- Review Orphek Filter Macro Corals Lens For Smartphone
- Coral Reef Aquarium Lens Kit (Product Page)
Thank you Danireef for sharing your passion for the hobby and for Orphek products with all of us!
*All photos taken from Danireef blog were borrowed and proudly published here.
*Excerpts were taken from the original article found at The new Orphek OR3 Blue Sky LED bars in the DaniReef LAB – review published in Danireef blog in June, 8th, 2021. original is written in Italian and it was google translated.