Orphek OR3 Reef Aquarium LED Bars combined with other brands.
Last year we showcase the versatility of our OR3 LED Bars by showing how they can complement the lighting layout of your tank.

Previous posts of 2020:
- Mixing OR3 Reef LED Bars with other lights Showcase 2
- Mixing OR3 Reef LED Bars with other lights Showcase
We will continue to showcase our OR3 Reef Aquarium LED Bars and how you can mix them with other brands that are not giving you the desired/need amount of light for your corals.
In today’s post we are bringing a detail review by our client Sebastian Zapata , owner of a 70x70x50 mixed reef tank from Chile, South America with a mixed corals reef tank placing one unit of Radion in the middle of the tank and 2 units of Orphek OR3 Blue Plus for Coral Pop.
Tank details:
Light Time: 16h Ramp up with 2 units OR3 Blue Plus and one unit of Radion xr30 G 30 Pro & 12h hrs.
List of other equipments:
- 1 Wavemaker Coralbox Nr1
- Skimmer Eshopps PSK75
- Jebao Dosing 3 Canals with Red Sea – KH, CA, MG
- Jebao Dosing Slave Red Sea Program – ABCD
Adding our OR3 Reef Aquarium LED Bars and mixing with lights that you already have is a great way to upgrade your tank.
Either if you need more coverage, more color, more growth or adding Blue Plus for coral pop the fact that our OR3 is versatile!
Truth is that our OR3 Blue Plus LED Bar for coral pop color is already a must-have among reefers and
Sebastian tells us how he is using our OR3 LED Bars to improve color and growth.
Let’s here from him!
“Me llegaron las luces. Estoy Feliz con el color que emite!” – lights arrived. I am happy with the emitting color! (free translation Spanish to English)
“Las luces me han parecido espectacular, era justo el tono que Necesitaba. Las primeras semanas probé solo usar las 2 barras y los corales abrieron sin problema. Incluso han acelerado el crecimiento.
Sigo lamentando que no haya una versión en 30cm 😅
Respecto al servicio de ventas, me pareció bueno sobre todo en la rapidez del envío y la fluidez en el contacto por mail.” –
“The lights looked spectacular to me, it was just what I needed. The first few weeks it was only possible to use the 2 bars and the colors opened without a problem.
Also they have accelerate the growth. I still regret that there is no version in 30 cm 😅
Regarding the sales service, I think it is very good about the speed of delivery and fluidity in contact by mail. “(free translation Spanish to English)
Thank you Sebastian for sending us the feedback and photos! if you wish to follow his tank’s updates:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/szapata.cl
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/szapata_cl/
Great reading about this product!
Orphek OR LED Bar highest economic efficiency in the market (euro per watt)!
Great posts you might have missed about the OR3
- The secret of coral pop with OR3 by Ryan Cunningham
- New Orphek Product Launch – OR3 150/120/90/60 UV/Violet
- Video of OR3 Blue Plus LED Bar by Reef Belon TV France
- Reef Dork UK video review our OR3 Blue Plus LED Bar
- Orphek OR3 Blue Plus LED Bar in 240 Gallon SPS dominant Aquarium
- Coral pop color with Orphek OR3 Blue Plus LED Bar
- New Orphek Product Launch – OR3 150/120/90/60 UV/Violet
- OR3 Blue Plus Reef Aquarium LED Showcase
- New Orphek Product Launch – OR3 Reef Aquarium LED Bars
- OR3 150/120/90/60 Reef LED Lighting (Product Page)
- New Orphek Product Launch – OR3 Reef Aquarium LED Bars
- OR3 Blue Plus Reef Aquarium LED Showcase
- The combination of Atlantik V4 and OR2 Bars on the amazing reef tank of Mr. Tang Go
- PAR MAP OR2 120 Blue Plus
- Orphek OR2 reef bar LED as an alternative to T5
*Pls notice that OR3 Reef Aquarium LED Bars is an improved version of the OR2, but these articles with OR2 are worth checking because it says a lot about the current product!
ABOUT OR3 – 2020
Our new model OR3 – 2020 comes with NEW LEDs! Orphek is worldwide recognized by being the leader in LED Aquarium lighting solutions capable of delivering products that provide perfect intensity/efficiency.
What does it mean?
It means you are getting the same LEDs we are offering in our Atlantik V4 fixtures! It means you are getting new customized high efficiency 5w Dual-Chip power LEDs that are even more technologically advanced, therefore more efficient!
Our new LEDs will last longer than the previous Orphek LEDs because we have improved its life span!! Running at 50% our new 2020 model 5w Dual-Chip advanced LEDs are more resistant to higher heat and it offers the highest PAR longevity with really minimum loss over the years.
Not only that, we have also improved internal lens to make sure you are getting the best Orphek LEDs!
More to read about OR3 – 2020
OR2 150/120/90/60 Reef LED Lighting X T5
Orphek has been offering panel style LED lighting solutions for the last 10 years, providing a highly diffused light source and delivering the perfect intensity and spectrum to the reef aquarium in the form of the Atlantik series.
Now combined with our OR3 you can get the ultimate spectrum as if you were using T5s!
The idea was to develop an affordable LED, offering a T5 – like coverage length of the tank, but has all the efficiency, spectrum choice and power associated with LED technology with the following benefits:
- OR3 bar LEDs typically use 50% less power consumption than T5.
- Unlike T5 bulbs, which need to be replaced very 6-12 months, LEDs require no maintenance.
- There is no new acclimation period required for corals – there is with T5 replacement for new bulbs.
- OR3 bar LEDs have an output of around 2 x that of a comparable T5 bulb – meaning less units are required to fully illuminate the aquarium.
- OR3 heat sink is around 41C and the heat is dispersed upwards rather than heating the aquarium water.
- Each OR3 bar has multiple LED color chips providing a balanced spectrum for each bar.
- OR3 LEDs penetrate the water column giving better performance at depth, providing a shimmer effect to give the aquarium a sharper, colorful visual appearance.
- OR3 bar LEDs come as standard in 2 spectrum choices with customized options available for special order.
- Just 2 x OR3 bars, a combination of 1 x Reef Day Plus and 1 x Blue Plus will deliver PAR of ~400 at the surface and ~250 + mid aquarium mounted 20cm above the water level.
If you wish to read about/buy our Orphek Universal Fixing Bracket Kit:
If you wish to read about/buy our Orphek Coral Reef Aquarium Lens Kit:
- Orphek Coral Lens Kit reviews
- Review Orphek Filter Macro Corals Lens For Smartphone
- Coral Reef Aquarium Lens Kit (Product Page)