A Quick Look at Orphek’s ‘Blue Sky’ LED Strip Light By Dana Riddle Light-emitting diode (LED) strip lighting has become popular when used singularly or in plurality. In smaller or shallow aquaria, a single strip is possibly enough or can act as supplement to other lighting. In larger aquaria, multiple strips can provide adequate light. […]
Attract Plankton Orphek LED Lighting for Shark Research
The Shark Institute asked from Orphek LED Light to attract plankton for shark research One of the things that we love about Orphek is the possibility of being able to meet interesting people and their projects. Some of them are really awesome! Jennifer Schmidt, the director of Science & Research at the Shark Institute has […]
Merry Christmas from Orphek!
We want an Orphek product to be under your Christmas Tree this year. If you order now an Orphek Atlantik V4 Gen 2 or any Orphek Bar LED Lighting an Azurelite will be included with your order!! Take advantage of this cheerful time of the year and put an Orphek product under your Christmas Tree. Most importantly, […]
Lighting the Aquarium Part 8- Orphek’s Atlantik V4 LED Luminaire PAR and PUR
Lighting the Aquarium: Orphek’s Atlantik V4 LED Luminaire – Photosynthetically Active and Usable Radiation By Dana Riddle Lighting an aquarium would be a simple affair if only aesthetic considerations mattered, however advanced aquarists’ goals often include husbandry of plants, algae, corals and other photosynthetic organisms. To that end, it was originally suggested that only ‘intense’ […]
SPS lighting solved
SPS reef tank lighting made simple and stable. You may have already caught the latest BRS TV episode that focuses on lighting; episode 11. The series has been developed to cover all key aspects of a new reef tank set up based on a number of options at various budgets. In this episode they explore […]
Orphek Atlantik V4 arrived to South Africa and WOW
Orphek Atlantik V4 reviewed by a client form south Africa Before I had the Orpheks over my tank I just had a marine aquarium with half colored and dull looking corals. I tried all the micro nutrient dosing that I could find to try and color up the corals. I tried different makes of LED’s, […]
Check out what clients think about the Atlantik V4 Gen 2
Buy at Bulkreefsupply – Stock of the Atlantik V4 is going really fast so don’t miss the opportunity ! Check out what clients think about the Atlantik V4 Gen 2 Best LED I have seen so far By TPack on 11/21/2018 TPACK would recommend this product to a friend Bought 2 of these V4’s to replace 3 Radion G4’s […]
Best LED Lights for Reef Tank 2018-2019 Review
Best LED Lights for Reef Tank 2018-2019 Review Thanks Ryan Cunningham for making such an awesome review. Ryan has 2 units of Atlantik V4 Gen 2, one unit of Atlantik Compact V4 gen 2 and 2 units of OR120 Bar – Blue Sky Hello my name is Ryan Cunningham and I am a coral addict. […]
Lighting the Aquarium Part 7-Photosynthetically Usable Radiation
Lighting the Aquarium Part 7: Photosynthetically Usable Radiation By Dana Riddle Photosynthetically Usable Radiation (PUR) is a portion of the spectrum that promotes photosynthesis. It is generally considered to be a subset of Photosynthetically Active Radiation (PAR, defined as that light between 400 and 700nm), but this is only partially correct as some Ultraviolet-A wavelengths, […]
What Orphek Atlantik V4 Gen2 Reef lights will do for your reef tank
Orphek Atlantik V4 the best LED light for Coral growth and color Recently we have received what we feel is one of the best demonstrations of what Orphek Atlantik V4 Gen2 Reef lights will do for your reef tank. The submitter we will call Reef Glow 19 and his YouTube video can be found here. this is a 4K […]
Lighting the Reef Aquarium Part 6 – Coral Coloration – A Primer
Lighting the Reef Aquarium Part 6: Coral Coloration – A Primer By Dana Riddle This colorful Acropora species is not fluorescent – the proteins it contains preferentially reflect red and blue light, making it appear purple. When I managed a commercial coral farm in the 1990’s, we were content just to grow corals and propagate […]
Lighting the Reef Aquarium Part 5 -Tridacna Clams
Lighting the Reef Aquarium Part 5: Tridacna Clams By Dana Riddle In Part 4 of this series, we examined the lighting requirements of a popular aquarium coral, Acropora. This time we’ll look at the light preferences of another popular reef aquarium inhabitant – the photosynthetic clam Tridacna.According to World Registry of Marine Species (WORMS.org) there […]
Orphek OR90 Bar LED over 6 foot wide 135g SPS-dominated reef
I’ve been using 4 of the OR 90 strips over my SPS tank for about a year The tank is a 6 foot wide 135g SPS-dominated reef. The tech is nothing: Small sump, small return pump, basic skimmer, pair of Vortech WD40 QD for extra flow. Starboard (cutting board) on bottom of tank, no sand. […]
Lighting the Reef Aquarium Part 4
Light Requirements of a Coral Genus Often Found in Reef Aquaria By Dana Riddle In previous installments, we have discussed how to measure light intensity, reviewed light requirements of a Hawaiian coral, and discussed terminology. This time, we’ll look at light requirements of a coral genus often found in reef aquaria – Acropora. Acropora is […]
Time Lapse Video and Review Orphek Atlantik V4 GEN2
Orphek Atlantik V4 GEN2 Review and time lapse video by Ryan Would I recommend these lights to a friend? Haha is that a joke?! Since buying these lights I have been actively trying to get every friend I know to switch over to these lights. After first getting them I was just blown away by […]
Lighting the Reef Aquarium Part 3- The Myth of Corals Requiring Unlimited Amounts of Light
The Myth of Corals Requiring Unlimited Amounts of Light By Dana Riddle I had the pleasure of living on the Big Island of Hawaii for almost two decades and took every opportunity to study the natural reefs there (See Figure 1.) One of my projects involved the determination of light required by photosynthetic corals (note: […]
New Orphek Product Launch – Mounting Arm Kit
Anti-rust Aquarium Light Mounting Arm Kit After bringing the Atlantik series one step forward (Atlantik V4 Gen 2) we is now bringing you the ultimate accessory – Orphek anti-rust Mounting Arm Kit. Designed specifically for the installation and positioning of Orphek Aquarium LED illumination fixtures, this versatile, anti-rust, heavily-built, multi-functional mounting kit will blow your […]
Lighting the Reef Aquarium Part 2-Measuring Light Intensity
Measuring Light Intensity By Dana Riddle If I were to ask reef aquarium hobbyists these questions, their answers would likely be as follows: Q: What is the Specific Gravity of the water in your tank? A: 1.025 Q: What is your calcium concentration? A: 400 milligrams per liter (or parts per million) Q: What is […]
Reeflabs For Hobbyist
Orphek is proud to announce a new vendor who is located in Sacramento, CA. The business is called Reef Labs and you can check out their website here: https://reeflabs.net/ We are a bunch of reef geeks if that’s even a phrase. We have over 30 years of combined experience in fresh water and saltwater arena. […]
Lighting the Reef Aquarium – Part 1
There are many aspects involved in successfully husbandry of a reef aquarium, not the least of which is lighting. By Dana Riddle This article is the first in a series that will examine this important parameter and will discuss why lighting is important, especially if the goal is to maintain photosynthetic organisms such as many […]