This week’s post is about our Orphek Amazonas 960, 500 and 320 Watt LED Systems. We want to show you how they deliver significant light penetration and plenty of coverage. Not only that! You will find out that they also allow direct 1 to 1 replacement for large older technology inefficient lighting systems! Did you […]
12 Orphek layouts that you should know about
12 Orphek LED lights layouts that we think everyone would love to build! From rooms build only for the purpose of having a huge coral reef indoors to small corners in the living room or in an office, Orphek will be found as an excellent choice of LED lighting source. So let’s see how we […]
Hybrid OR3 Reef LED Bars Showcase 4
Orphek OR3 LED Bars combined with Radion XR15
BRS great discount on the new Orphek Atlantik V4 Gen 2 Compact
If you are in the USA you will have today a great opportunity to buy our Atlantik V4 Gen2 Compact 2020/21 with a limited discount + bonus offer given by Bulk Reef Supply. You all know already about our partnership with Bulk Reef Supply. But just in case you have joined us recently or is […]
BRS great discount on the new Orphek Atlantik V4 Gen 2
If you are in the USA you will have today a great opportunity to buy our Atlantik V4 Gen2 2020/21 with a limited discount + bonus offer given by Bulk Reef Supply. You all know already about our partnership with Bulk Reef Supply. But, just in case you have joined us recently or is new […]
Orphek Hybrid Reef Aquarium LED Lighting Systems
Orphek Hybrid OR3 LED Bars can be combined with Atlantik V4 Gen 2 or any other LED lighting brands. We have been for a while showcasing our OR3 Reef Aquarium LED Bars and how you can mix them with Orphek Atlantik V4 Gen 2 fixtures. Today we bring you this awesome 3D video that we made it […]
Orphek Reef Aquarium LED Lighting thinks green!
“Together we protect Nature’s Biodiversity for generations to come” Protecting Nature’s biodiversity has been Orphek first and most important directive since it’s very beginning. You will find our motto in this sticker in every unit of Atlantik V4 Gen2 if you look your unit closer: Just like Tesla, Nike, Ikea, Adidas, Sanofi, Natura and many […]
Orphek Atlantik concept, improvements and benefits
In this week’s post we want you to understand the concept, improvements and benefits of our star product, the Orphek Atlantik and show you why it is an awesome fixture. In this blow mind short video you will understand all the improvements that we are offering in our Atlantik fixture in 2021. Also by reading […]
Mixing OR3 Reef LED Bars with other lights Showcase 3
ORPHEK, POP IT UP! Orphek OR3 Reef Aquarium LED Bars combined with other brands. Last year we showcase the versatility of our OR3 LED Bars by showing how they can complement the lighting layout of your tank. Previous posts of 2020: Mixing OR3 Reef LED Bars with other lights Showcase 2 Mixing OR3 Reef LED Bars […]
500G reef tank with Orphek Atlantik V4 LED Light
Tidal Gardens visit Nathan to talk about the progression of his reef aquarium. Last November Orphek brought to you an awesome video made by Tidal Gardens about their client’s tank – if you missed you can watch it now by clicking on the link above!). If you have watched it then you remember that both 400-500 […]
Orphek Solutions in coral shops & farms
The year has already started and we are excited to plunge into Coral shops and farms that are using Orphek solutions. We are gathering photos and feed backs from our clients to showcase here for you! (if you are a shop or coral owner using Orphek products please send us your feedback and photos so […]
OR3 Reef Day LED Bars End of the Year Discount on Amazon USA!
The year is about to end and we are wrapping it up with one of the most cherished Orphek solutions that has become already a must have among reefers: our OR3 reef day LED Bar Lights. And to share the festive spirit of Orphek Team we are giving you USD$20 discount until we are out […]
Merry Christmas from Orphek with discounts!
We want an Orphek product to be under your Christmas tree this year with discounts! Take Orphek gadget anywhere you go! Take advantage of this cheerful time of the year and put an Orphek product under your Christmas Tree! Also, if you lost the Black Friday & Cyber Monday deals, now it is your last […]
The secret of coral pop with OR3 by Ryan Cunningham
Ryan will tell you how Orphek OR3 LED Bars will render coral pop color to your tank like you have never seen before! Our OR3 Blue Plus LED Bar for coral pop color is already a must-have among reefers and we are very thrilled with the feedback we have been receiving in our Orphek facebook […]
Orphek Optical Filter Glass Lens Kit Whatever you wanted to know about it!
This week’s special brings you everything you need to know about our Orphek Optical Filter Glass Lens Kit. Don’t miss this post because we are bringing video reviews, photos and details about our opticals that will totally showcase what you have been missing if you still don’t have them! Since Christmas is approaching we brought […]
New 500G reef tank with Orphek Atlantik V4 Gen2 4k video.
New 500G reef tank with Orphek Atlantik V4 Gen2 4k video. This week Orphek brings an awesome video made by Tidal Gardens – a coral reef farm located in Copley, OH and supplier of high quality corals. The video is a great because it is showing a brand new 400-500 gallons tank (9ft L x 40″ […]
Orphek OR LED Bar highest economic efficiency in the market (euro per watt)!
Orphek OR (Blue Plus & Reef Day Plus) breaking record this year with the highest economic efficiency in the market (euro per watt)! WE DID IT AGAIN! We are very excited to share with you today exclusive information about our newest version of our OR LED Bars series – the OR3!* *Our new model OR3 – […]
New Orphek Product Launch – OR3 150/120/90/60 UV/Violet
New Orphek product launch – The OR3 150/120/90/60 UV/Violet for SPS/LPS/Soft coral growth and Actinic fluorescent coral pop. Launch Promotion: We are giving USD$20 discount in all OR3 LED Bars+ Free Shipping, Free & Secure Money Transfer by PayPal: Now it is official! We have been selling these units for a while, but now it is official! […]
Video of OR3 Blue Plus LED Bar by Reef Belon TV France
Continuing to display aquariums and corals today’s video comes from France with a full review of Orphek OR3 Blue Plus LED Bar combined with the owners previous fixtures! “Presentation des barre leds OR3 orphek, ca donne un gout pop sur les lps et sps, j’adore le rendu” (Fredeau) From unpacking our OR3 LED Bars, a […]
Orphek showcases a 600 liters reef aquarium under our Atlantik V4 Gen 2
Italian blog showcases 600 liters SPS dominated reef aquarium with 04 units of Orphek Atlantik V4 Gen2 Last month the Italian blog has posted a great article of a 600 liters SPS dominated reef aquarium showcasing our Atlantik V4 Gen 2. In the article you will find all about the tank and its […]