Italian blog showcases 600 liters SPS dominated reef aquarium with 04 units of Orphek Atlantik V4 Gen2

Last month the Italian blog has posted a great article of a 600 liters SPS dominated reef aquarium showcasing our Atlantik V4 Gen 2. In the article you will find all about the tank and its equipments.
Extracted from the article/translated from Italian to English:
Lighting based on 4 Orphek Atlantik V4
Jonathan, tell us about your lighting, as you can see from the photos you have an extremely powerful light area.
“A crucial point in running my aquarium is lighting. I have always argued that the real engine of a marine aquarium dedicated mainly to SPS hard corals is the light. It cannot be missing, without ifs and buts … it must cover the entire surface and evenly.
Initially the tank started with other ceiling lights but given the dimensions of 150x80x50 (h) not even four 130 watt cluster ceiling lights were enough to guarantee a noteworthy growth.”

Aquarium Equipments & info:
- LED lighting: 4 Orphek Atltantik V4
- Hydor Seltz d12000
- 4 Rossmont Riser 15200
- Movement pump control: 2 Rossmont Waver
- Skimmer: UltraReef Typhoon UKD200
- Calcium reactor: Elos Rea 120
- Zeolite reactor: UltraReef
- Fluid bed: UltraReef
- Clarisea roller filter
- Refugium
Dimensions: 150X80X50 – 600 liters
What we loved about it is that together with the article he has also posted in youtube also an awesome video of this beautiful SPS reeftank.
Also, in the video you will see and understand how our Atlantik V4 Gen2 is the best Reef Aquarium LED lighting for Optimal Coral Growth and Color and Color Pop.
Furthermore, in the video he makes PAR measures which it is very interesting to see Orphek Atlantik V4 Gen 2 performance!

In the video you will see the measurement of PAR on individual corals, which always remains at values close to 6-700 μmol m-2 s-1. He will measure with the lights in different capacities & channels.

Extracted from the article/translated from Italian to English:
“But the real turning point came when I decided to replace the entire light area with four brand new Orphek Atlantik v4 (review) which, needless to say, literally made the aquarium fly. (develop)
Important growths also on Acropore resting on the sand.
Now it’s been a year and a half that they light up my corals, some of them have become really big, they forced me to make several re-stylings and to eliminate some to give more time to the bigger colonies “.
In the video you will also see the measurement of PAR on individual corals, which always remains at values close to 6-700 μmol m-2 s-1.

Are you loving it?
As much as we broke down almost all the findings and results for you, we don’t want to spoil excellent video, so you will need to watch the entire video to find out everything there is to know to excel in your Orphek experience!
Why the New ATLANTIK V4 Gen2 is the best product Orphek has produced today?
- 14 new types of custom made dual core LEDs in the nanometer range from 380nm to 850nm.
- Renders most natural appearance to the tank form 10K to 50K
- Provides enough RED and IR LEDs needed
- Contains Full dimming capacity in all channels, 0-100% with progressive dimming.
- Provides IoT technology & Free apps available
- Gives the ability to control and program 200+ individual units!
- Provides the best PAR/PUR per watt;
- Highest Spectrum output
- Highest efficiency power supply.
What else Orphek Atlantik V4 G2 is offering?
- A LED light that is made of full body acrylic. Our light is not only solid and durable, but also beautiful to display.
- A LED light that has a length of 24.21” (615mm), a width of 9.37” (238mm) and a height of 2.11” (53.6mm) .
- A LED light that comes not with any driver, but with Mean Well driver (model HLG-240H-48A) – we give you what the market has best to offer!
- A LED light that comes with a customized plug for your region.
- A LED light that comes with a hanging kit with no extra costs.
PROGRAM/CONTROL/MONITORING (IoT) Connectivity & Monitoring
- Built- in Wireless Worldwide Remote and Local programming, control and monitoring
- Compatible with Wi-Fi/ 3G and 4G Internet connectivity
- Compatible with IOS (iPhone and iPad) and Android (Cell and tablet)
- Free apps available
- Ability to program multiple Atlantiks individually, in groups or in unison.
- Eight pre-installed programs/ unlimited custom programs and group programming.
- Large storage with capacity for additional programs.
- Sunrise / Sunset Full dimming capacity in all channels, 0-100% with progressive dimming.
- Strong clouds / soft clouds
- Demo Mode Color Change (Jellyfish Mode)
Remember that Orphek is the only company customizing spectrum for coral pop!
If you want to know more about it:
Best LED Light that make Coral Pop
Come check all about this product in our ATLANTIK V4 Gen 2 PRODUCT PAGE
More reviews:
- Atlantik V4 G2 2020 Model Reviews – here you will see the unboxing and much, much more!
- 2,000gal SPS Dominant Reef Tank in Minnesota – here you will see a huge amazing tank from the USA all lighted by Orphek!
- Atlantik Compact V4 Gen2 2020 video review testing by BRS – here you will have a complete review of our product with PAR measures, number of units needed and much more!
- Orphek Showcases Aquarium Layouts – here you will see many beautiful tanks under Orphek solutions, including the Atlantik V4 Gen2!
One more thing…
YES! YOU NEED TO PURCHASE ORPHEK MASTER GATEWAY. With the Orphek Gateway2 you will be able to enjoy fast, out-of-the-box setup & the ability to control and program your lights from anywhere in the world where internet access is available.
Check out Orphek’s Accessories!
Coral Reef Aquarium Lens Kit – Orphek Coral Lens Kit for smartphones is the latest and coolest Orphek gadget designed specifically for photography of corals and aquariums.
AZURELITE 2 Blue LED Flashlight – The Next Generation – The coolest Orphek gadget designed specifically for coral night feeding, colors & health checking and illumination.
Orphek (IoT) Master Gateway2 – to connect your Atlantik V4, Atlantik Compact (Gen 2 ) and your Amazonas 960 unit(s) to the ethernet & internet.
Anti-rust Aquarium Light Mounting Arm Kit – Orphek anti-rust Mounting Arm Kit is designed specifically for the installation and positioning of Orphek Aquarium LED illumination fixtures.
Universal Fixing Bracket Kit – Orphek Universal Fixing Bracket Kit is designed specifically for the installation and positioning of Orphek Aquarium LED illumination fixtures.
We would also like this opportunity to thank Danilo from for all the support they have been giving to Orphek these couple of years. The blog is a great tool for reefers. We strongly recommend it!
We would also like to thank Jonathan Betti for letting Danireef and orphek share his tank and for his passion about the hobby.
*All screenshots and images were taken from their video and belong to
If you want also to share your passion for the hobby and your tank please contact us!