Check out what Orphek Atlantik V4 Compact can do for your corals in just a week!
Today we are really excited to share with you the feedback we received from a Swiss client of ours. Mate Duymi is not our first Swiss client sharing his Orphek experience, but what he did no one else has ever done!
So be ready to understand why Orphek LED lighting fixtures are really the best solutions in the market today. His email to us started with a statement that made all of us smile:
Your LED’s are the best I have ever tested. And I tested many of them… This are pictures on a Red Sea Reefer 170 with V4 Atlantik V4 Compact +slimline V4
So let’s see the pictures!!
Here is an overall picture of the tank’s layout and how the lights were hanged above the tank.He made a combination of 2 units of our slim line* and one unit of our Atlantik V3 Compact.*Orphek has replaced the Slim Line solutions for our newest launch that is already a fever in Europe:The OR 120, 90 and 60 – LED Lighting Bars for Aquariums – please click on the link to have access of all info on our OR LED BARS

Now that you have seen the tank let’s see the amazing close up photos that he took showing the fast and extensive growth of his corals. That really impressed us and we are sure it will impress you too! 😉
Corals growth in 3 weeks period of time! Here below you will see that he took the first shot of the coral at 02/02. Coral looked very small compared to the second picture taken only 20 later. Check how it expanded in size!!

Also here you will find 2 close up pictures of a pink SPS coral. See how the coral branched out in a way that is absolutely outstanding!!!

In the following pictures, you will notice that Mate has upgraded his tank, adding an extra unit of Atlantik V4. He has also upgraded his Compact unit from V3 to the V4, so what you will see now is 1 units of our Atlantik V4 (24″) + 1 units of Atlantik V4 Compact and the Slim Line. That is the overall layout of his upgraded tank:

The following pictures are also great zoomed photos where you can see the growth of the same coral on a longer period of time.

We couldn’t have been happier to see how his corals are growing healthy and beautiful…Mate is so enthusiastic about our lights that he decided to put up one set of pictures that he took of his corals with different LED solutions, comparing them with ours. He wanted to compliment us on our good work and we decided to publish here because it is very rare to find people who take their time to do this kind of comparison, research, and usually when they do, they share only with their friends or in the forums they belong to.
So here it goes!!!
Orphek Compact V3 X Pacific Sun T5

Orphek X Giesemann

As we always say “a picture worth a 1000 words!”
If you wish to see more comparisons across the globe:
If you wish to see more tanks and corals from Switzerland:
If you wish to know more about these product click on the links:
If you are also from Europe or any country around the globe and you are also wishing to:
- Improve the quality of life of your corals and marine species
- Install a neat and easy to clean fixture
- Own not only a conceptual design LED light solution, but a true color & growth technology
We will be very happy to find the best Orphek LED Lights for your tank.
Email us to and we will help get you started! You can also reach us by filling our form