CORRECT SPECTRUM AND AMOUNT IS NEEDED FOR GOOD CORAL GROWTH At 40 meters or less, Zooxanthellate scleractinian corals are the major specie of corals found in well-lit tropical waters where massive structures exist which provide a critical habitat for the diverse abundance of reef fish and invertebrates. Coral structures change considerably with increasing depth which causes […]
THE CORRECT LIGHT SPECTRUM IS IMPORTANT FOR REEF AQUARIUMS Too often reef aquarists concentrate on providing ideal water chemistry that mimics that found on the reefs and less thought is given toward providing the ideal lighting spectrum for their corals. Water chemistry on the reef is very stable as is the light spectrum that falls on […]
ATLANTIK BREAKS ALL LED PAR RATINGS Our new Atlantik LED Pendant is excelling in all fields of LED technology including spectral quality, features, and exceedingly high PAR/PUR levels. At present, no other LED lighting manufacturer has produced a LED Pendant that exceeds the PAR/PUR level of our Atlantik. The Apogee Quantum Sensor was placed 2.4 […]
ORPHEK LED PHOTO ACCLIMATION MYTH OR FACT Coral reefs are likely one of the harshest environments in the world in terms of the sun’s intensity and the UV/IR rays that are emitted. Metal halide and HQI lighting can produce these same effects. Although at a lower level than the sun, their emissions can still […]
CORAL COLOR and FAST GROWTH = PR72 AND WATER CHEMISTRY The PR72 LED Pendant is one of Orphek’s latest products recently unveiled at MACNA 2012. This milestone was fueled by Orphek’s desire to produce an affordable dimmable LED pendant which would fulfill the needs of many reefkeepers without sacrificing PAR/PUR values. The PR72 uses […]
YOU’VE GOT DEEP, WE HAVE DIF100 We are hearing from more and more aquarists reporting their success with our DIF100 Pendants being used over their deep reef aquariums. F. Samuel Slobusky who owns wetworkreefs Reefs in New Orleans, recently wrote to us describing with photos, his success with Orphek DIF100 LED lighting in his […]
NOTED AUTHOR BOB GOEMANS OFFERS FREE BOOK Bob Goemans, noted author of marine books and owner of the web site has generously offered a 300,000 word, 1100 photo book free for the reading on his web site, Bob has written for Marine Fish Monthly for over fourteen years and may have had the […]
ORPHEK PR156 PAR TESTING video AT MACNA 2012 Orphek booth visitors witnessed impressive PAR test results of our best selling pendant, the PR156XP. The PR156XP is furnished with its own programmable timer which controls each of the individual channels of blue and white light. A dimmable model is also available which plugs directly into […]
MACNA 2012 – Opening Day VIDEO
MACNA 2012 – Opening Day VIDEO Today Orphek was very busy proudly displaying their new LED products which include our PR72 Pendant and our new flagship, the Atlantik. Today’s video shows PAR testing being conducted on our PR72 Pendant which comes standard with a prewired cable with a RJ45 connector for use with digital light controllers […]
MACNA 2012 VIDEO Video 1 Orphek arrived at the site of MACNA today, Wednesday, September 26, and began setting up their display booth (booth 203) as shown in the opening segment of the video. As you can see, many vendors are very busy setting up their displays in preparations for opening day on Friday. […]
Atlantik LED Pendants at MACNA 2012
Atlantik LED Pendants at MACNA 2012 Orphek will be introducing two new prototype Atlantik LED Pendants at MACNA this year. There will be a standard version for deeper aquariums and a wide version for shallower aquariums. Each model will use a different lens to produce the coverage designed for that model. Orphek will post […]
Orphek Atlantik v1 Led Aquarium light fixture
Orphek Atlantik v1 Led Aquarium light fixture For last Model click this link : The new Orphek Atlantik Led Aquarium light fixture offers multiple color high power LEDs with blue and High Kelvin white LEDs. Four Orphek special red and four high range UV LEDs are also used. There are six rows of thirteen LEDs, the […]
PR72 coverage
PR72 coverage What kind of coverage can you expect from the PR72 Light coverage will of course vary depending on your animal or plants lighting requirements. For a SPS reef application in a tank measuring 21.5 x 21.5 x 21.5 inches (55 x 55 x 55cm), the PR72 could be hung very close to the […]
PR72 LED Pendant Series VIDEO
Orphek is pleased to announce a new product, the PR72 LED Pendant Series Orphek is pleased to announce our new plug and play PR72 LED Pendant which will be available in two different models. PR72 Reef PR72 Freshwater Planted Now, an inexpensive LED pendant to light your reef and freshwater planted aquarium. All […]
RED SEA MAX HOOD CONVERSION TO ALLOW USE OF ORPHEK NILUS Many aquarists in moderate to warm climates have complained about heat buildup in their Red Sea Max 250 (RSM 250) aquariums due to the 234 watt, six lamp, T5 lighting system that is presently being used in this hood. Apparently the cooling fans are […]
Pieter van Suijlekom’s Reef Aquarium Revisited
Pieter van Suijlekom’s Reef Aquarium Revisited In the February, 2006 issue of Reefkeeping Magazine, Pieter van Suijlekom’s six meter, yes, six meter (19.5 feet) reef tank was featured as the tank of the month, truly a hard act to follow photo courtesy Reefkeeping Magazine […]
MACNA 2012
MACNA 2012 MACNA is right around the corner and the event starts September 28, 2012, and runs through the 30th. This is the largest marine event in the United States so if you can attend you will be very pleased that you did. This year’s event takes place in the Dallas/Fort Worth area and will […]
CORAL COLOR AND WHAT IS REQUIRED TO MAINTAIN IT by Orphek Up to 90% of SPS coral’s nutritional needs are obtained by the food produced by Zooxanthellae. These dinoflagellates are single celled algae that reside and grow within the coral’s tissue. Several million of these algae cells live in just one square inch of a […]
Accelerating Coral Growth
Accelerating Coral Growth in a SPS/LPS Dominated Aquarium By ORPHEK One of the most popular questions on marine forums are “how can I get my corals to grow faster”. How corals grow and multiply is very complex and is a science by itself. What we will give you are the requirements SPS corals need for accelerated growth […]
Why do Corals bleach ?
Why do Corals bleach ? A BLEACHING SURVEY CONDUCTED BY ORPHEK Orphek has recently conducted a bleaching survey and invitations were sent out to prominent, experienced aquarists, and to Arjen Tilstrea, a Marine Biologist. The questions asked were: How long have you been in the marine aquarium hobby or research work? Which type or […]