BRStv brings Orphek to the light and showcases our Atlantik V4 Gen2 2020.

This month Orphek Atlantik V4 Gen2 2020 featured in the BRStv Investigates video series, which is according to them, “an ongoing exploration of popular reef tank theories, methods and equipment”.
In these videos BRS team creates experiments in the BRS lab and share the results they found about a variety of saltwater aquarium topics.
“So this time they are asking: How’d they do that!? (asks Randy from BRStv) Secrets behind the Orphek Atlantik V4 and the successful reefers who use them.”
Before you even watch this video Orphek answers to Randy:
We do it with a lot of love for the hobby!
But you are going to have to watch the video, because the answers to this question are related to Orphek’s performance as a LED Lighting Solution.
So let’s get started by letting you know how they feel about our LED fixture…
“The Orphek Atlantik V4 is a unique LED panel that can hold its one among the pendant style LED lights of today with absolutely jaw-dropping results over SPS dominant and mixed reef tanks alike.”
“Today, Randy dives in and collects the data to show you guys exactly why this light can produce such great results and comes up with some BRS recommended mounting and set-up options so you can hit the ground running!”

In a nutshell
Bulk Reef Supply chose this time our Orphek Atlantik V4 Gen 2 LED light and puts it through a series of tests of spread, spectrum, PAR:
- Mastering Spread: How many units you need; the right mounting height and light spacing (how to properly space multiple units)
The goal here is to teach you how to achieve an even spread of light intensity, minimizing hot and cold spots and shadowing for the easier to maintain LPS corals and softies or the most demanding branching SPS corals:
1. Number of units needed
24″ X 24″ BRS Tank – 1 unit Orphek Atlantik V4 Gen 2
24″ X 48″ BRS Tank – 2 units Orphek Atlantik V4 Gen 2 (for SPS corals)
- If you have a 24″ x 48″ tank with less demanding corals they recommend to watch the video of the Atlantik V4 Compact Gen 2
2. Mounting Height
BRS tested 1 unit of the Atlantik V4 Gen 2 over a 24”x 24″ tank first.
They started mounting the unit 6″ over the water and they went up, inch by inch, measuring the PAR across 36 data points until they found the recommended hight for even spread and distribution at 15″.

Where they achieved to decrease the hot spot on the center to 557 and increase the extreme outer edges to 248, increasing in general the optimal coral placement areas.
BRS will make a performance a dynamic test to show you how well our LEDs blend the spectrums for uniformity.
With all the spectrums Atlantik V4 Gen 2 2020 offers in its 4 channels, BRS will walk you through all the channels and finally recommend settings of your unit to achieve the optimal spectrum to meet the corals metabolic needs and ideal coral coloration.
Not only that, they will also make a comparison to the T5 Blue light.
Watching the video you will see each channel, what they are good for including graphs. We jumped for their recommendation, but it is really good to understand each channel and watch the entire video.
BRS recommend settings of your unit to achieve the optimal spectrum
The goal is to create the widest blue band as possible between 400 – 500 where corals draw the majority of their energy from.

So how to set your Atlantik V4 Gen 2 channels to achieve this goal?
As they explain in the video the recommended settings for all 4 channels are:

BRS recommended settings:
- Channels 2 and 3 at 100%; channel 1 at 60% and channel 4 at 20%
AND! Comparing Orphek Atlantik V4 Gen2 Blue spectrum to T5 Blue the graph does not lie!

Watch the video for detail comparison and explanations!
As you watch the video they will go over 10 readings with 10 graphs explaining each reading for you!
As per the dynamic test of performance, BRS tested Atlantik V4 Gen 2 at 15″ with the recommended channel settings above and they made 10 spectrum readings with a 60 gal tank with turbulent waters.
Mastering the PAR
So for a tank with LPS and polyps with the following goal set by BRS is:

And for a tank with SPS dominating systems with branching corals a higher PAR goal is set as follows:

BRS Dynamic Testing:
TEST 1: 2 foot X 2 foot cube tank with 1 unit of Atlantik V4 Gen 2 with LPS and SPS systems
TEST 2: with a tank double the size with 4 foot x 2 foot and 2 units of Atlantik V4 Gen 2
TEST 1: 2 foot X 2 foot cube tank with 1 unit of Atlantik V4 Gen 2 with LPS systems
Here BRS adjusted the settings of the 4 channels to reach the best results for LPS corals as follows:

BRS OPTIMAL recommended settings for LPS 2ft x 2ft cube tank:
- Channels 2 and 3 at 40%; channel 1 at 24% and channel 4 at 8%
Are you loving it?
As much as we broke down almost all the findings and results for you, we don’t want to spoil BRS excellent video, so you will need to watch the entire video to find out everything there is to know to excell in your Orphek experience!
For more posts on BRS Orphek LED Lighting Solutions – Performance Showcases:
*The series has been developed to cover all key aspects of a new reef tank set up based on a number of options at various budgets. In this episode they explore lighting and a variety of ways of achieving success.
If you prefer just to watch the videos:
BRS Orphek Showcase & Review Videos
We strongly recommend you to watch the entire video and not just look at the results published here. Watching the entire video you will access to all comments and recommendations they are making.
Remember that Orphek is the only company customizing spectrum for coral pop!
If you want to know more about it:
Best LED Light that make Coral Pop
Come check all about this product in our ATLANTIK V4 Gen 2 PRODUCT PAGE
We would also like this opportunity to thank the BRS Team for all the support they have been giving to Orphek these couple of years. The BRS TV is a great tool for reefers. We strongly recommend them!
*All screenshots and images were taken from their video and belong to BRS.
If you wish to purchase Orphek in BULK REEF SUPPLY click on the link