In Depth Review of The Atlantik Compact WiFi , Salzwasserwelten D.E. (Saltwater Worlds) which is operated by Ronny Schopke has completed an in depth review of our Atlantik Compact. The review is informative, especially the spectral testing of the light where Ronny uses a Thorlab CCD 200 Spekroskop for all spectral measurements, and we might add, […]
Yuwono’s Reef Tank Getting close to filling
Yuwono’s Reef Tank Getting close to filling. Our client in Indonesia has ordered and received the Atlantik V2.1 LEDs for his new install quite some time ago. Finishing touches are being made to the L shaped sump which will house his skimmer and other associated equipment. We are very anxious to see the completed project. […]
How Good is Orphek’s Planted Tank Spectrum?
How Good is Orphek’s Planted Tank Spectrum? Our client in France has once again updated us with photos of his planted tank’s progression. The photos below were taken shortly after he installed his four PR72 Planted Tank Pendants in early January, 2015. The photos we received from our client on 5.21. 2015 show remarkable growth […]
6 foot reef lit with Orphek Atlantik
Our client Trip P. has sent us some photos of his 2 new Atlantik v2.1 units over his 175g reef tank. Our client in Texas sent us these photos of his 175 gallon bowfront tank with the Orphek Atlantik v2.1 units installed. Trip is already seeing color improvements over his old T5 lighting and loves […]
UK reef tank upgraded
UK reef tank upgraded Bill is one of our many UK customers who recently upgraded to a larger tank because his coral was outgrowing his previous tank under the Atlantik V2.1B LED Lights. It is very obvious that Bill is an experienced reefer by the appearance of his gorgeous reef tank. We would like to […]
Orphek ATP 300 Lighting a 7 foot deep reef tank
Orphek ATP 300 Lighting a 7 foot deep reef tank in Germany Our customer in Germany needed a solution to replace high power metal halide lighting over his large 5,895 gallon reef aquarium which measures 156” x 97”w x 90” d (4 x 2.50 x 2.30 meters). Orphek was able to provide the solution using […]
Famous Orphek LED tank gets moved
Reefbuilders author Tanne Hoffe tore down his old tank before his recent move after several years under Orphek Atlantik v1 LEDs and set it back up as an in-wall system and as always, it’s beautiful! Tanne Hoff, a resident of the Netherlands and considered a reef aquarium expert by many of his peers, has recently moved to […]
Frode’s Reef Aquarium story
Frode’s Reef Aquarium story Here is my tank story. I started this tank 3 years ago after having 7 years experience with another reef tank. This tank is a custom made 110 x 70 x 70 cm(65wh) cm. It has an overflow with two stand pipes just next to the middle with iron free glass […]
Orphek Helix 5000 DC Protein Skimmer review
Orphek Helix 5000 DC Protein Skimmer review Orphek Helix 5000 DC Protein Skimmer is a new technology in skimmer design. It is the only skimmer made with dual impellers which greatly increase the amount of fine bubbles produced which increases the efficiency and volume of waste removal in marine aquariums. The Helix 5000 is […]
Blue Tang Marine authorized Orphek dealer
Blue Tang Marine authorized Orphek dealer Blue Tang Marine is one our newest retail shops in the UK that is an authorized Orphek dealer. The shop recently opened and Ross tells us livestock will be arriving soon. His display tank shown below is lit with two Atlantik V2.1B’s and will house his nine year old […]
Coral farm in palma de maiorca public aquarium
Coral farm in palma de maiorca public aquarium The Palma Aquarium on the island of Mallorca, a short distance off the coast of Spain, is home to many species of marine mammals, fishes and a large variety of invertebrates. This destination hotspot is surrounded by the natural beauty of the ocean and is considered a […]
Planted Tank lit by four Orphek PR72
Planted Tank lit by four Orphek PR72 Our friend and customer Alain resides in France and Alain sent us a photo update of his planted tank that is lit by four Orphek PR72 Planted Tank LED Pendants. The first photo was taken early January when the PR72’s were first installed. The second and third photo […]
Winners of Azurelite photo contest of Facebook
Winners of Azurelite photo contest of Facebook, We are proud to announce the winners in our Azurelite photo contest on the Orphek LED lighting facebook page. It was great to see all of the photos that were shared with our facebook contest and it was very difficult to narrow them down to three winners. We […]
UK Customer reports outstanding coral growth
UK Customer reports outstanding coral growth in three months using the Atlantik V2.1. Our customer in the UK has sent us two photos, the first photo shows his tank the day the Atlantik V2.1 was used. The second photo was recently taken showing the present growth. During this time our customer said he has trimmed […]
Orphek LED lighting and Coral Farms
Orphek LED lighting has been working with coral farms to enhance product health and vigor as well as increase sales all while reducing operational costs and electrical usage. Karen and Paul from Dragonfly Corals in Indianapolis are dedicated to sustainable coral farming and have been working in their greenhouses since 2006 using as much of […]
New Reef Tank build UK using Atlantik LED light
New Reef Tank build UK using Atlantik LED light Himat is a recent customer of ours who lives in the UK and has shared photos of his new build with us. Himat is using Orphek Atlantik V2.1’s on his new build and all we can say is that it looks fantastic. Can wait to see […]
Bill from the UK is starting a new build
Our friend and good customer Bill from the UK is starting a new build. His present tank is lit by the Orphek Atlantik V2.1 and his new build will also feature Orphek LED Lighting. Bill has completed the sump area and if his new build is anything like his present set up, it is sure […]
New reef build
New reef build Yuwono is from Indonesia and he has shared some photos of his new reef build. Surprisingly, he has built the tank himself and with the help of some friends and we must say it looks very nice and well designed. Four of our Atlantik V2.1B Reef Units will be lighting the tank. […]
Authorized Orphek store in Tehran
The authorized Orphek store in Tehran shared some photos of one of his customers tanks using our Atlantik V2.1. Notice there is only one fixture needed, not two or three as most other brands will require. Very nice tank for sure and thank you for sharing this with us Ashkan. If you are in the […]
In LED Aquarium Lighting, Placement is Everything
In LED Aquarium Lighting, Placement is Everything. So, you’re looking for a new LED fixture for your saltwater aquarium or planted freshwater tank. Maybe you just picked a good deal from that local fish store and now you need to install it. Making a plan ahead of time will give you better results, ease maintenance […]