Atlantik iCon LED PCB + Atlantik iCon System PC Card

Enter to Orphek New Atlantik icon Generation.
If you have an older version of the Atlantik fixture (Atlantik V1 V2 V2.1 V3 V3+ V4) or previous versions of Atlantik Compact now it is your chance to upgrade your unit(s) to the newest generation of Orphek Atlantik iCon and Atlantik iCon Compact
Learn how to Upgrade your old Atlantik to the new Atlantik iCon LED PCB
What can you upgrade:
- Atlantik iCon LED PCB: You can upgrade the LED PCB to the Atlantik iCon
- Atlantik iCon Control System: (Go to this page)You can upgrade the control system to the iCon control system
- Both Atlantik iCon LED PCB & iCon Control System : You can upgrade both LEDs and operating System to Atlantik iCon
Why Orphek recommends to upgrade the unit(s):
Besides the fact that you have already made an excellent choice of being a owner of an Orphek Reef Aquarium LED Lighting Solution, now you will have the best product in the market of reef lighting!
Orphek Atlantik iCon LEDs
Atlantik iCon LEDs spectrum is developed for optimal coral growth, color pop & health.
You are getting newer customized high efficiency 5w Dual-Chip power LEDs that are even more technologically advanced therefore, more efficient!
And more, our new LEDs will last longer than all the previous Orphek LEDs!!
- 78 customized high quality, high efficiency 5w Dual-Chip power LEDs – total of 156 individual LEDs Chip.
- 10 optimized different types of Dual chip 5W wide range LEDs for maximum photochemical efficiency
Each channel comes with 13 Dual-Chip 5W power LEDs

Online step by step manual: Upgrade Old Atlantik to Last version Of Atlantik iCon LED PCB
VERY IMPORTANT – Always unplug your Orphek Atlantik unit from the electricity to upgrade it. Read the electrical safety manual before doing it. And never upgrade your light while functioning.
You will learn how to upgrade your Atlantik unit in 13 steps.
STEP 1: Before upgrading your light, please disconnected it from the electricity.

STEP 2: Carefully remove all the eight nuts and the acrylic/aluminum fan panel.

STEP 3: Remove de six connectors that goes to the LEDs.

STEP 4: With the light facing up, disassemble the acrylic panel.

OBS.: Taking out the screws first (marked in red in the picture).

STEP 4a: Remove the three acrylics sheets.

STEP 5: Remove the silicone gasket and remember to place it back when reassembling the light later.

STEP 6: Remove all the lens.

STEP 7: Unscrew/remove the old LED PCB.

STEP 7a: Remove the Old LED PCB and the six wires goes to the PC card.

STEP 8: Apply cooling paste (Orphek does not supply it) in some areas as shown in the picture.

STEP 8a: Spread the cooling paste evenly in a thin layer, covering all the area.

STEP 9: Replace the old LED PCB for the new Atlantik iCon LED PCB and pass the six channels wires through the holes of the heatsink as shown below.

STEP 9a: Place the new Atlantik iCon LED PCB.

STEP 10: Assemble and place back all the the lens that were dismantled.

STEP 10a: Assemble and place back the silicon gasket that was dismantled.

STEP 10b: Assemble and place back the acrylic panel that was dismantled.

STEP 11: Put the six LED connectors into their correct receptacles.

Diagram 1: How to connect iCon PC card to Atlantik iCon LED board
If you choose to upgrade both the PC card and the LED board to iCon then follow the diagram bellow:

Diagram 2: How to connect Atlantik V4 PC card to Atlantik iCon LED board
If you choose to upgrade only the LED board and keep the Atlantik V4 PC card follow this diagram bellow:

STEP 12: Install the acrylic/aluminum panel onto the eight screws.

STEP 13: You can now turn on the light! Enjoy Atlantik iCon!

Orphek Atlantik iCon / Orphek Atlantik iCon Compact
Thank you for upgrading to Orphek Atlantik iCon!
Atlantik iCon Operation Manual
Atlantik iCon Installation Guide and Apps Manual
In these manuals you are receiving both Safety and Operational guides. Inside you will have not only detailed information about our product, but also all the information needed to install, connect and maintain your Orphek Atlantik iCon.
We expect that you will use your system well for many years to come and look forward to hearing from you about your success.
Please feel free to contact us at any time:
If you are experience ANY difficulty with your Orphek Atlantik iCon please contact us immediately!