Coral frag tank light by Orphek LED lighting
Orphek Drops a Pendant LED Bomb DIF 100/50 XP
Orphek Drops a Pendant LED Bomb DIF 100/50 XP January 29th, 2012 Michael Rice (Dr. Feel Good) Pendants seem to be the future of LED technology with their tight, halide simulating arrays and ability to pound power deep, but there is yet to be a multi spectrum pendant on the market. That is until […]
Orphek Nilus -Orphek Nilus’s channel
Orphek Nilus Orphek Nilus’s channel 1. Setting the time Video #1 in the series of programming your new Orpehk Nilus unit. This unit is designed for coral reef tanks containing SPS, LPS, soft corals, clams and anemones. They also provide perfect lighting for FOWLR systems and predator tanks. 2. Setting the daylight […]
Orphek review
Orphek review by:clients “Pictures tell a thousand words.” Video Links: “amazing reef” “We are extremely happy with theses lights. They are a showboat for shimmer and growth.” “Link” Nice tank Ying and Yang” shaped tanks at a Children’s Hospital in upstate NY. Orphek DONATED all of the DIF-30 units we used to […]
Orphek PR-156 LED Units – The Salty Box Reviews
Orphek PR-156 LED Units – The Salty Box Reviews By: Ged 18-05-2011 Lee and Craig from Marine Aquatics, have very kindly arranged for me to loan an Orphek PR-156 LED Unit (in white) for a couple of months, so as to give the forum some good old honest feedback, as well as performance details etc I have been […]
Testimonial “Pictures tell a thousand words.” Video Links: “amazing reef” “We are extremely happy with theses lights. They are a showboat for shimmer and growth.” “Link” Nice tank Ying and Yang” shaped tanks at a Children’s Hospital in upstate NY. Orphek DONATED all of the DIF-30 units we used to light them! […]
LED Review PR 156
Orphek Review PR 156 by: marine-engineers January 19, 2012 Awhile back I reviewed a PR-156 LED light from Orphek, and recent testing by Sanjay Joshi revealed these lights to be a very focused deep water PAR monster, but what happens when you want some more spread? This question has led me to try removing all the lenses to see what it can […]
Orphek PR156XP Reviewed By marine engineers
Orphek PR156XP Reviewed By marine engineers November 22, 2011 Awhile ago I mentioned that I was purchasing a PR156 for review, and after having the fixture for a while now, I feel I’m finally ready to give you the details. This fixture, and this whole company for that matter, get some interesting press, so I […]
nano reef blog Review Orphek PR156 LED lighting
nano reef blog Review Orphek PR156 LED lighting (15th December 2010) Orphek PR-156W LED lighting unit reviewed I’ve been wanting to try out some LED lighting now for awhile – LEDs are every where in this hobby. They’re suited to nanoreef applications where hobbyists need more light for light demanding corals but don’t want […]
Orphek PR156 LED Review
Orphek PR156 LED Review by James Gasta November 2010 Orphek’s Pr-156 Power Reef LED Pendant Please note that the following is a personal review by respected WWM crewmember James ‘Salty Dog’ Gasta. His opinions are his own and not those of WetWebMedia and should not be taken as any kind of promotion or endorsement. […]
CaptiveReefs Nano Contests
CaptiveReefs Nano Contests WIN The New Orphek DIF 50 XP , Orpehk DIF 50 20K and New PR 25 XP 2012 Nano Contest Contest Dates Here is the schedule: Stocking Period: January 9 to February 26, 2012 Last Day to add Livestock: April 30, 2012 Last Day of Contest: June 4, 2012 […]
Orphek DONATED all LEDs light to Children’s Hospital in NY
Orphek DONATED all LEDs light to Children’s Hospital in NY Aquatic Exhibits International install a Dual 3,500gal marine aquarium the “Ying and Yang” shaped tanks at a Children’s Hospital in upstate NY. Orphek DONATED all of the Aquarium LEDs light units we used to light them! The pic makes them look darker but they actually light the […]
PAR TEST READINGS – By Sanjay Joshi, Ph.D. (Feature Article: LED Lighting Tests: ) Orphek PR-156 UV LED Array “The Orphek array PR-156 is one of the newer models that includes 4 UV LEDs, in addition to the blue and white LEDs. A total of 60 LEDs running at around 2W each make up the complete array. As […]
Coral Fluorescence under UV orphek ML7
Coral Fluorescence under UV orphek ML7 Here’s the answer to the dimming question… Quick Overview The PR-25 is a PAR38 formfactor bulb (screws into a normal light socket) and is a 70-150w halide pendant replacement. The PR-25 LED pendant produces a similar amount of PUR (photosynthetically useable radiation) as does a 150w metal halide bulb, […]
PAR test led lighting
PAR test led lighting Orphek PAR Readings by Clients Orphek PR156 by James Gasta “First impressions My first impression of the Orphek PR-156 was that it is extremely bright; you could not look directly at the LEDs, much the same effect as looking directly at a metal halide or HQI lamp, you cannot. The quality of materials […]
Happy holidays Happy Christmukah
Dear Orphek Clients, Partners, Supporters & Friends As the holiday season approaches, we’d like to take this opportunity to thank you all for your continued friendship, partnership and support. It is people like you who make our lives a pleasure and keep our company successful. May your Christmas (or Hanukah) be filLED with […]
Orphek LED lighting Review
Orphek LED lighting Review By: chemsol Here is a brief review of the Orphek DIF-100, DIF-30 pendants and T8 bulb. I ran a single DIF-100 18k and a single DIF-30 Blue side by side with my Maxspect g2 160 for nearly 3 months. 2 weeks ago I hung the additional DIF-100 and DIF-30 plus added a […]
Saltwater Tank mixed reef 1350 gal
Saltwater Tank mixed reef 1350 gal Link: Display Tank Lighting Lighting consists of three Aqua Medic units and sixteen Orphek PR-156 units. All the Aqua Medic Metal Halide/T5 units will soon be replaced with new LED units from Orphek. Our plan is to go 100% LED. Each Orphek PR-156 lamp consists of 2 […]
Reef Tank LED Shimmer Effect
Reef Tank LED Shimmer Effect Looking at new LED lighting options for a reef tank ! Question: what the best led’s are for getting the shimmer effect ? Answers : Shimmer will occur with any single point source light, combined with water movement at the surface The more turbulent the surface, the more shimmer you will get. This […]
Orphek PR156XP Reviewed By
Orphek PR156XP Reviewed By Orphek PR156XP Reviewed By Awhile ago I mentioned that I was purchasing a PR156 for review, and after having the fixture for a while now, I feel I’m finally ready to give you the details. This fixture, and this whole company for that matter, get some interesting press, so I decided to […]