Amazing coral pop under LED Light
Orphek has made a lot of gorgeous LED lights over the years.
While the Atlantik has evolved plenty over the years, particularly with regards to functionality, we thought it’d be good idea to just focus on how the blue/Violet Channel would make your coral pop.
People has been asking us about coral pop and which program to use to make their corals pop in their tanks.
In this video and this article you will find a lot of information about this subject.
Check out also the nice photos of coral pop.
If you still have questions about it after this article we will be here to help you achieve your goals with your Orphek!

Atlantik V4 LEDs: contained a 78 customized high efficiency 5w Dual-Chip power LEDs in total of 156 individual LEDs.
The Atlantik Channel 2 and 3 contained 9 LEDs types that made your corals pop up. Check the photos below of corals poping under the Atlantik V4:

Orphek Atlantik V4 Gen2 2019: It is the best light for coral pop

You can read about coral pop with the following Dana Riddle’s explanation:
Coral Coloration – A Primer by Dana Riddle
“There are at least two types of color compounds seen in some corals and anemones – fluorescent and non-fluorescent. Fluorescence is when a compound absorbs light and emits (fluoresces) it at a longer wavelength, hence fluorescent compounds glow (or ‘pop’) under UV/violet/blue light, while the non-fluorescent types do not (they appear dull under those wavelengths and are called chromoproteins.). All are proteins and are manufactured by the coral or anemone. There are hundreds of proteins described but there are likely to be thousands. ”
The following video will show how our Atlantik V4 Gen 2 makes corals pop:
“UPDATE on Alan & Bros Reef Tank with the Blue Lights on! This is an awesome reef tank that I have been following for some time now. I think the colors are AMAZING” 915Mang
Check out the photo gallery made from the video!
But coral pop is not the only thing that matters! They need good care!
The Zooxanthellae are what determine more than 90% of a coral’s color. Without Zooxanthellae, the coral’s tissue would appear white or translucent. For a coral to maintain its colorful hues, correct lighting intensity and spectrum must be given to them. In addition to lighting, different colored corals use different major and minor trace elements to maintain their coloration and these elements must be provided in our closed systems if we wish to continue to observe their colorful beauty.
Here you will find amazing pictures showing beautiful healthy coloring of corals under Orphek Atlantik Led Lighting:

Read More about : Best Reef LED lights 2019: Best Orphek 2019: Which is Orphek’s best LED aquarium Light ?
How can I Order Orphek LED lights ?
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