Orphek LED lighting visited Tynemouth Aquarium

Orphek LED lighting visited Tynemouth Aquarium this month to see the progress of the new Orphek lighting install.
Recently renamed Tynemouth Aquarium, the project was undertaken to upgrade existing lighting to Orphek’s new energy efficient LED lighting range developed for Public Aquariums.
Tynemouth Public Aquarium selected a range of Orphek Amazonas and OR2 Bar LEDs to light over 30 aquarium exhibits.

Entrance welcome exhibit utilises Amazonas 80

Ocean exhibit utilises Amazonas 320

River Giants & Native Shores exhibit utilises Amazonas 80

Smaller exhibits utilising Orphek OR2 Bar LEDs

Orphek has been chosen to illuminate many of the Public Aquariums across the globe and can now be found in public Aquaria in the UK, France, Spain, Denmark, China, Australia, Canada and the Middle East to name a few. Understanding the challenges a contemporary Public Aquarium faces today, ORPHEK LED LIGHTING has researched and developed customized products to meet the needs of Public Aquariums. Whether lighting large lagoons or 15-meter-deep coral reef tanks, Oprhek’s Amazonas delivers results. The Amazonas has the capability to penetrate and deliver sufficient light for viewing at depths over 15 meters. For more information on the Orphek Public Aquarium product range please contact us at contact@orphek.com