Part 1 For the last year I have been seriously considering a new tank build and now the decision has finally been made to purchase a Red Sea Reefer 350. The Red Sea Reefer series includes everything you need, including a nice cabinet but does not include a protein skimmer, return pump, or lighting. This […]
Review from Japan Helix 5000 PROTEIN SKIMMER
Published by 2015/08/03 translate by Google Orphek skimmer worked so well that we removed the ozonizer from the system and have no yellowing of the water and the angelfish began growing larger. Newly introduced Orphek HELIX DC-5000 has done a pretty good job. the quality of the foam is different because there is a multiple of processing power. […]
High Tech Jellies get High Tech Orphek LEDs
The team at Orphek LED lighting had the chance to work with My Reef Creations to provide lighting for a robotic jellyfish exhibit for Festo Robotics. Recently we had the opportunity to work with Raj and the team at My Reef Creations on a project involving a travelling display for the robotics company Festo. This […]
Cleaning and Calibrating your Digital pH METER
Digital pH meters are an inexpensive means to provide accurate pH readings in your aquarium but regular maintenance must be exercised to maintain their accuracy. Never place your meter in an area of high moisture or where the chance exists where it can get wet. Electronics and water are not good friends. There are […]
How to Plan a New Reef Tank
This is an introductory article to two articles we will feature from our salesmen who will be doing new builds in the near future. We will feature these on our web site and also provide a link to them in Facebook. There are many hobbyists that do not plan their new tank carefully before starting […]
Metal Halide Lighting Soon to be phased out
Most marine reef hobbyists preferred metal halide or T5 lighting technology because of cost consideration and that they will grow coral in reef aquariums. This fact remains undisputed but there are other costs to consider beside the cost of the lighting. Tanks lit by metal halide lighting generally require expensive cooling systems and exhaust fans […]
Chengdu Public aquarium LED light project
LIGHTING PROJECT DEVELOPED & SUPPLIED BY ORPHEK Chengdu is one of the largest cities in China and recently it has been developing and expanding its businesses due to investments in projects developed by HongKong Dragon Group Limited, such as the 6 billion Yuan invested in the Seaside City located in the JiaoLong Port. The complex […]
Atlantik Compact 24 inch Cube reef Aquarium
Our client Sven in Germany has sent us the first photos of his gorgeous cube tank which is being lit by an Orphek Atlantik Compact LED Unit. Sven’s tank measures 60x60x60cm (23.4×23.4×23.4 inches) with a capacity of 216 liters. The coral appears to be undergoing a drastic color change demonstrated in the Birds Nest Coral […]
Coral growth and color Atlantik V2.1B LED
One of our UK clients has again updated us on his new build. Gary is now in the seventh month of his build and coral growth and color are fantastic under his three Atlantik V2.1B LED units. Thank you very much Gary for sharing your beautiful reef tank and progress video with us. Incidentally, Gary […]
Atlantik Pendant 300 PAR Testing
Orphek Atlantik Pendant 300 is a versatile unit that will work well for industry professionals in everything from shallow grow-out systems, to coral reef tanks to deep water systems like shark lagoons. The P300 delivers the best LED light spectrum available, allowing the light to be used in coral reef systems to replace 1000 watt […]
Atlantik Pendant 300 PAR Test- 45 Degree Lens
45 degree Lens is used to deliver PAR deeper than the 60 degree lens and the convex lens. Common uses for this lens are Coral Reef tanks 8 feet (2.44m) and deeper as well as shark lagoons and open ocean systems deeper than 14 feet (4.27m). 45 degree Lens PAR Testing was completed over a 10 […]
Atlantik P300 PAR Test- 60 degree Honeycomb Lens
60 degree Honeycomb Lens – delivers PAR at depth while still allowing for good spread. This is the most common lens for Live Coral reef systems in excess of 4 feet (1.22m) deep PAR testing was completed over a 10 foot x 8 foot area (3.05m x 2.44m). Readings were taken at 1 foot (30.48cm) increments […]
Atlantik Pendant 300 PAR Test- Wide Convex Lens
Wide Convex Lens – is designed for maximum coverage with good PAR. It’s good for shallow water grow-out systems or larger deep water fish only systems. Often used in conjunction with other lens options this lens can help to fill in gaps where deeper penetration is not needed such as along outer edges where rock structures […]
What can Atlantik V2.1B do for your reef tank ?
Just take a look at this clients tank where you will see that a picture is worth a thousand words. The Orphek Atlantik V2.1B incorporates 156 high quality spectrum perfect LEDs and with the highest PAR per watt in the industry. This tank was torn down and coral placed in a much larger tank. Client […]
Project Atlantik Video- 6 months since start up
Gary has updated us with the latest video of his fabulous reef tank in the UK with 3 Orphek Atlantik . At only six months since start up, the tank looks gorgeous and all coral is growing fast and with amazing color. If you would like your tank to look like Gary’s then seriously consider […]
Orphek Atlantik P300 – like HQi better than HQi
Atlantik P 300 first preview |Author Danilo Ronchi – Orphek has recently presented a very special LED pendant, the Atlantik P300. Designed specifically for large aquariums, where it’s use could effectively replace even HQi 1000 watt lamps! We have recently received a copy to test and try out and we could not wait to photograph it immediately […]
another Orphek Atlantik V2.1B
Our good friend and client from the UK has sent us some updated photos today that we would like to share with you. Gary has recently added another Orphek Atlantik V2.1B to his tank and his results and reefkeeping ability continue to impress us. His coral are full of life and coral thanks to his […]
220G mixed reef under Orphek Atlantik V2.1 light
Mr. Moshe first used Orphek PR156 over his 120 gallon mixed reef. Moshe was so impressed with the coral growth that he decided to upgrade his lighting to the new Atlantik V2.1 shortly after they were introduced. We will let Moshe describe his system to you below. I began to use Orphek led lights back […]
Iran Aquarium is ready for another Saturday
If your in the Tehran area, stop in and say hello to Ashkan and Sam. Do not forget to see the large selection of hard to find coral and fish and check out the Orphek LED Lighting and Protein Skimmers.
Customer feedback Atlantik Compact & Helix 5000
Hi James I know is been a few months but I wanted to give you an update on my system. I am proud to say it is looking so much better with the Atlantik Compact and Helix 5000! I have started the Triton method about a month ago. The skimmer is working flawless although I […]