Everything you wanted to know about Orphek Atlantik V4 PAR and Spectrum
Today we will make a small pause in our journey in Tokyo to bring great information about our Atlantik V4 reef lighting released by Ronny Schöpke of the German website salzwasserwelten.de. Basically he is offering a sort of Q&A mostly about the spectrum and Par which we are now sharing with you.
Differences and similarities of the Atlantik V4 and its predecessors:
The Atlantik V4 reef lighting have been already reviewed by Ronny Schöpke over the years and according to him the newest Atlantik V4 at first glance seems not to bring much change in terms of design which is an advantage if you are upgrading older versions to this new one and the same APP used for the V3+ can be used for the V4, so the advantage is that you don’t need to download or update the version.
Can you upgrade your older version to a V4? YES no problem at all!
According to him a lot has been done in terms of spectrum.
He published the graph with PAR measures using 120 degree lens, 230w full power (100%) – all channels:
When all channels are on you can see, according to the graph, a very wide spectrum with high pick at the blue dominant color (456nm). Orphek worked to really do a fine tuning to offer what corals need the most: Chlorophyll A, b; Carotene; and zoxanthellen. You will also notice that this wide blue covers the most important part of both Chlorophyll a and b. A high amount, mostly chlorophyll a, at the violet 425nm. Another pick displayed is at 520nm where the cyan is almost green, and at the orange at 590nm (Carotene). Orphek does not use true red spectrums to avoid algae, but Infrared at 850nm.
Also he answers the question about 2 LEDs that might seem not to be working (for hobbyists with less experience in terms of light spectrums that might think this is the case…)
These are the 2 infrared LEDs (around 850 nm of wavelength) that the human eye can’t see so the LEDs are just fine!
He also answers to the controversy of if infrared does or does not penetrate the water:
According to him it does and he found proof by testing 850nm LED of our Atlantik V4 at 60cm depth.
Data experience:
- Lamp size: 60 × 24 cm
- Illuminated area: 120x80cm at a distance of 40 cm
- Consumption: 230w
- Control: App Android / IOs
- Cooling: 4 fans controlled over temp.
His conclusion: “That sounds promising, Orphek seems to have had the correct hint. The spectrum itself is already very impressive. IT IS THE FIRST LED MODULE WHICH WILL COMPETE WITH HQI AND T5. The results speak for themselves.We know that the Orphek V4 will certainly be decisive for Led lighting”.
He also added:
The Orphek V4 revolutionizes the lighting technology of the LEDs/From UV 380 Nm to Infrared 850 Nm, the V4 offers you everything you need to be able to cultivate brightly colored Heikle Acropores/Also the price of about 1000 euros is not so bad/Because they will always be able to upgrade/CLEAR THUMBS UP
If you wish to read the original article and check beautiful displayed pictures click on SALZWASSERWELTEN.DE
Sun light provides a range of wavelengths and different lengths of light waves do not penetrate through the water equally. Red light is the first to be filtered out and can only penetrate a short distance. If you look at a coral reef in Nature you will notice that shallow reef corals live in warm waters. The idea was to add to the ATLANTIK V4 enough infrared color to satisfy coral of all habitats. This new development isn’t something that happened overnight. A year of testing and experimenting went into this project before we were convinced that we came up with the ultimate spectrum for growing coral and the added benefit of viewing the coral with a more natural look. The new ATLANTIK V4 LED Panel contains 16 new types of custom made dual core LEDs in the nanometer range from 380nm to 850nm.
If you need more details about our newest launch:
Why the New ATLANTIK V4 is the best product Orphek has produced today?
- 16 new types of custom made dual core LEDs in the nanometer range from 380nm to 850nm.
- Renders most natural appearance to the tank form 10K to 50K
- Provides enough RED and IR LEDs needed
- Contains Full dimming capacity in all channels, 0-100% with progressive dimming.
- Provides IoT technology & Free apps available (App Store & Google play)
- Gives the ability to control and program 200+ individual units!
What else Orphek is offering you that others are not?
- A LED light that is made of full body acrylic. Our light is not only solid and durable, but also beautiful to display.
- A LED light that has a length of 24.21” (615mm), a width of 9.37” (238mm) and a height of 2.11” (53.6mm) .
- A LED light that comes not with any driver, but with Mean Well driver (model HLG-240H-48A) – we give you what the market has best to offer!
- A LED light that comes with a customized plug for your region.
- A LED light that comes with a hanging kit with no extra costs.
Connectivity & Monitorning
- Built- in Wireless Worldwide Remote and Local programming, control and monitoring
- Compatible with Wi-Fi/ 3G and 4G Internet connectivity
- Compatible with IOS (Iphone and Ipad) and Android (Cell and tablet)
- Free apps available (App Store & Google play)
- Ability to program multiple Atlantiks individually, in groups or in unison.
- Eight pre-installed programs/ unlimited custom programs and group programming.
- Large storage with capacity for additional programs.
- Full dimming capacity in all channels, 0-100% with progressive dimming.
- New 78 customized high efficiency 5w Dual-Chip power LEDs – total of 156 individual LEDs.
- New 16 different types of Dual chip wide range LEDs. 380nm UV to 850nm Infra red!
- First company to introduce the Infra red 850nm
- New Spectrum for better coral growth, color and health.
- Four separate control and programming channels.
- Lens Options: Wide convex for tanks under 42” deep and 90 degree narrow for tanks over 48” deep.
- Highest PAR/PUR per watt.
- Highest Spectrum output.
- High efficiency power supply.
- Power cord with waterproof connector
- Stainless steel hanging kit
- Driver
- Mean well Fan-less IP65 power supply
If you wish to know more about this product click on the ATLANTIK V4 PRODUCT PAGE
If you are also from Europe or any country around the globe and you are also wishing to:
- Improve the quality of life of your corals and marine species
- Install a neat and easy to clean fixture
- Own not only a conceptual design LED light solution, but a true color & growth technology
We will be very happy to find the best Orphek LED Lights for your tank.
Email us to contact@orphek.com and we will help get you started! You can also reach us by filling our form