Orphek Atlantik v4 lights over a sleek tank located in a village near Nice
It is always a joy when we receive photos from our French clients. Their tanks usually look fantastic with great layouts!
Today we like to share Orphek Atlantik v4 lights over a sleek tank located in a village near Nice.
For a real Orphek experience check the video he made for us!!
Stephane’s passion for aquariums goes back 25yrs ago and he is in the hobby at least 10.
Living near the sea Stephane brought corals closer to him by setting up a beautiful tank that was cleverly displayed, divinding the area of the living room and dinning room, so he can enjoy it from many directions.
He started this LPS/SPS reef ELOS 160XL (160x80X60/760liters) tank 6 months ago and he runs 2 units of our Atlantik V4.
He is also operating a Elos PS4000 skimmer, 2 Tunze pumps, a RAC Schuran and sedimentation filtration with lamella sheets*
- FYI: Lamellar sedimentation is based on the principle that in free settling, according to Hazen’s law (see different types of sedimentation), granular particle retention is independent of the structure’s height. Therefore, the surface area available for sedimentation can be extended quite considerably by superimposing a large number of water/sludge separation cells on top of the structure’s height.
As we always say, a picture says more than a 1000 words, so here are the great pictures:

The Atlantik units were mounted by hanging kit from the ceiling to have a clear view from both sides, so brackets here were not an option. This is a very clean layout since the aquarium already has a considerable mounting system.

Stephane was very kind to share also pictures of his corals:

Stephane has placed/spread his corals in a great harmonious layout:

Corals are showing health and great colors!

We would like to thank STEPHANE for sharing his experience with all of us and also for the great photos and video of his beautiful reef tank.
MERCI STEPHANE and we hope you will keep us posted with the development of your corals!If you are also from Europe or any country around the globe and you are also wishing to:
- Improve the quality of life of your corals and marine species
- Install a neat and easy to clean fixture
- Own not only a conceptual design LED light solution, but a true color & growth technology
We will be very happy to find the best Orphek LED Lights for your tank.
Also if you wish to know more details about our Atlantik V4 unit, email us to contact@orphek.com and we will help get you started! You can also reach us by filling our form
More tanks in France:
For a beautiful coral gallery, including more French corals!
Orphek wants to thank you all for sending us the photos and videos of your beautiful tanks. They were and have been published here in our newsroom, portfolio and gallery and they are much appreciated. It is not only a pleasure for us to do so, but it is also a confirmation that growing corals is a passion shared worldwide and that orphek is going to the right direction.
When its founders decided to develop the company they knew they were becoming a part of this special group of people who simply loves the ocean and marine creatures. We are many spread around the globe, and if we are lucky, many more will surrender to this passion!
One of the greatest pleasures of our company is the fact that Orphek staff is in close contact with its clients.
That gives us the opportunity to follow and share the development of our client’s corals over the years. It is also great to receive their feedback on our products and service.
We would like to invite you to browse our website and participate with your Orphek experience.
Let us know about your tank and share it with many other hobbyists!
Sharing is very easy! All you have to do is to send us the basic information about your tank, usually starting from the beginning (when you started your tank), what are you running in the tank, the living creatures you have in your tank and of course pictures of the tank and of your corals. We also would like to have pictures of our lights above the tank 😉
Please send to contact@orphek.com
We really hope you will find some time to send us your info so we can publish right away!
Thank you in advance,