New public aquarium in France light by Orphek Amazons 500watt LED light
Here is an interesting time lapse video of the construction of the new Nausicaa Public Aquarium in France that we think you will enjoy.
Why is this so special to Orphek? It is because it will be the home of thirty eight new Orphek Amazonas 500 super LED Lights.
A short video of an artist conception of the new aquarium in Boulogne, France can be viewed here.
The aquarium is scheduled to open early next spring and we hope to share more photos with you of this beautiful work of art.
The Orphek Amazonas 500 is not just for public aquariums; with an assortment of lens sizes and Kelvin temperatures, we can configure the Amazonas 500 for large private aquariums thereby saving you money on using numerous inefficient lights to do the job when many less units will be needed using our Amazonas 500.
You can learn more here:
If you would like a quote and assistance on configuring a system for your large private aquarium or public aquarium,
please let us know by sending an email to