SPS reef tank under orphek led lighting
Photo credits: Kristian Hennig
About Corals Ingredients for Good Coral Growth and Color
About Light, Coral, and Photosynthesis
Many factors can affect coral growth; lighting, water temperature, feeding strategies, and water chemistry all have an affect coral growth and their appearance. Proper lighting is one of the most important ingredients for successfully growing corals in a reef aquarium. The Zooxanthellae that live in coral tissue depend heavily on specific types of light energy to flourish in a symbiotic relationship with the host coral. The Zooxanthellae provide food for the coral, and in return the coral provides protection from would be herbivores. The lighting we provide for the reef aquarium must closely mimic the wavelengths and intensity found on the reefs to offer the same benefit to the corals as in their natural habitat.
Read more : https://orphek.com/about/about-corals/