Some experimental frags under LED lighting
Tank is 200cm x 120cm x 27cm (water height). The LED unit is 45cm above water level.
2x Orphek PR156 LENS OUT
I’ve been debating trying out an LED set-up to see what colors I can get….here are some pics two weeks into using my new LED units strung over a section of my nursery tank, a mix of exisiting frags and some new one’s I got from a fellow hobbyist.
Adrian Fynn (Adee)
Location: Johannesburg, South Africa
Current Tank Info: My SUNLIGHT powered SPS system, total volume 660 gallons (2500L), incorporating a 317 gallon (1200L) Starphire Rimless, a 160 gallon (600L) nursery tank and about 1000lb’s (500kg’s) of live rock, 2 protein skimmers, an ATS and lots of macroalgae.

Water parameters:
Salinity: 1.026
Temperature: 24 – 27 °C
pH: 8.1 – 8.5
Calcium: 420 ppm
Alkalinity: 7 dKh
Magnesium: 1300 ppm
Potassium: 380 ppm
Phosphate: 0.00 ppm
Nitrate: 0.00 ppm
I believe in ample feeding of fish and corals, it keeps them in good shape. Also, well fed angels and tangs will be less prone to start picking on my prized corals. My fish enjoy 8 auto feedings of Ocean Nutrition pellets daily. I add a sheet of nori every second day, every 3rd day it’s a treat of 10 cubes of defrosted Mysis and chopped Krill which I soak in Tropic Marin’s Lipovit. I do not target feed any of my corals other that the addition of amino acids to the water column.
Acanthurus triostegus (Convict Tang x2)
Acanthurus leucosternon (Powder Blue Tang)
Chelmon rostratus (Copperband Butterflyfish)
Pterapogon kauderni (Bangaii Cardinalfish)
Pseudanthias squamipinnis (Goldies x5)
Pseudanthias huchtii (Red-Cheek Anthias x9)
Pseudanthias dispar (Madder Sea Perch x5)
Chromis viridis (Blue-Green Chromis x13)
Amphiprion Ocellaris (Ocellaris Clown pair)
Pseudanthias bimaculatus (Bimaculatus Anthias pair)
Valenciennea sexguttata (Sixspot Sleeper Goby pair)
Zebrasoma flavescens (Yellow Tang x2)
Paracanthurus hepatus (Yellow Belly Regal Tang)
Chrysiptera parasema (Yellowtail Blue Damsel)
Centropyge loricula (Flame Angel)
Pygoplites diacanthus (Regal Angel (grey throat)
Pomacanthus asfur (Asfur Angel)
Pomacanthus navarchus (Majestic angel)
Astropecten polycanthus (Sandsifting Starfish x6)
Coenobita sps. (Hermit Crabs ~100)
Stenopus hispidus (Coral Banded Shrimp)
Tridacna crocea (Crocea Clam x3)
Tridacna maxima (Maxima Clam)
Physogyra sp. (Pearl Bubble Coral)
Cladiella sp. (Colt Coral)
Xenia elongata (Pulsing Xenia)
Anthelia edmondsi (Anthelia Coral)
Acropora sps. (42 varieties)
Acropora millepora (Multiple varieties)
Montipora digitata (Purple Digitata)
Montipora digitata (Yellow Digitata)
Montipora capricornis (Red with Pink Rim var.)
Some experimental frags under LED lighting