Published by 2015/08/03 translate by Google
Orphek skimmer worked so well that we removed the ozonizer from the system and have no yellowing of the water and the angelfish began growing larger.
Newly introduced Orphek HELIX DC-5000 has done a pretty good job.
the quality of the foam is different because there is a multiple of processing power.
The water level was established at 16? for the time being to let the skimmer break in.
It is best to slightly overskim with this skimmer and be careful to adjust the air intake properly for good foam.
This is the result after only few minutes of operation.
The skimmer takes a lot of dirt from the water and it is to be expected that minor trace elements will also be removed. This is typical of good skimmers. The addition of trace elements will be necessary when using this skimmer.
This is a good skimmer for an overstocked fish aquarium and the cleanliness of the water could lead to possible breeding of the fish. This may be a future challenge for me.
This is a good skimmer for very large tanks if you can run it a full power.
It is possible to adjust the water flow to 6500L per hour to the skimmer.
The skimmer is very powerful and you may have to lower the pump speed or you will overskim. You may not have to use the full power of the pump.
It is important to balance the pump output with the air intake of the skimmer.