Orphek Reef Tour to Japan could not be completed in Tokyo without showing you some reef!
(If you did not read the previous Orphek Reef Tour to Japan articles – PART I and PART II click on the link to read now).
Nurturing Light and Water is the area where 4 big reef corals tanks are located. 360 degrees reef tanks are displayed in such a way that it can be observed from all directions and angles as if you were diving underwater through them. Also we loved the idea that Sumida Aquarium gave a special thought about the color spectrum. The room is almost totally dark to give focus to the tanks.

Obs.: Unfortunately this area was really crowded of people so we could not succeed to shoot pictures without capturing visitors. Usually they move out of the picture but it was close to closing time so we are really sorry ;(
But we managed to capture a curious image this we wish to share! 😉

Following the tour there are 2 other areas connecting 2 floors: Chain of Life – Tokyo Bay & Tokyo Islands/Chain of Life Water’s blessing Tokyo Tank
Here we could experience views of marine life native to Tokyo’s seas highlighted by species unique to the Ogasawara Islands. (Tokyo’s seas encompass Tokyo Bay and the waters off the “Tokyo Islands,” a collective term describing the chain of islands stretching from the Izu Islands in the north to the Ogasawara Islands in the south). According to their website at the SUMIDA AQUARIUM, visitors can experience first-hand the seas of the Ogasawara Islands, a World Natural Heritage Site around 1,000 km away from Tokyo).
Frankly the most curious and fun is the 5m tank called Garden Eel where 634 small garden eels sometimes tangle with each other, fight, or pop out of a burrow to swim!