Orphek PR-156 Reef Aquarium LED Light
Dealers and customers have been inquiring as to where they can purchase the unit, how much it will cost, and what kind warranty and repair work we are going to offer on our PR-156 light, so let me shed some light on these issues!
Distribution to dealers in the USA: we are offering two options to dealers:
1) Dealers and LFS can purchase from one of our two US distributors beginning in mid to late November
2) Purchase directly from Orphek (dealers are welcome to contact contact@orphek.com for inquiries )
Customers in Canada will soon be able to purchase from stores and online retailers nationwide, also most likely mid to late December, but possibly as late as January. MSRP to be announced.
Now that distribution has begun, we are prohibiting dealers and distributors from cross-region selling, so you’ll need to purchase from a dealer (online or local) in your country.
Please feel free to post questions !