Orphek made all of you wait just a little bit longer to present our new OR2 120/90/60 to be officially announced soon, but you will learn today why it is totally worth it!!!
The affordable choice the OR2 LED Bar impresses by offering most of the Atlantik spectrum for a lot less money.
At this time we are taking pre-orders only. This will ensure guaranteed delivery from our next production run.
We are very excited to share with you at first hand exclusive information about our newest OR2 LED!
We have already sold some units that you can check pics displayed here in our photo gallery, including to Dana Riddle who did a terrific job by testing our new OR2 spectrum. So stick with us here and check these results!
OR2 120 reef day plus and OR2 120 blue plus LED reef bar spectrum test
OR2 120 Reef day plus – Spectrum test by Dana Riddle

“Here’s some spectral data on a 120cm (48″) Reef Daylight Plus LED luminaire. Shown are overall output (taken at 30″ from light), UV output, and infrared out (this is of particular interest since radiation at 740nm can be absorbed by Photosystem I’s Pigment 700, thus preventing possible electron bottlenecks and damage to Photosystem II.)”

OR2 120 blue plus – Spectrum test by Dana Riddle

“This is one o the lamps I’m using on the newly set up 120-gallon reef.
The Blue Plus has LEDs peaking at 420, 450, and 495 nm. The 420nm produces some UV radiation which can excite some fluorescent pigments and of course is absorbed by chlorophylls. Light at 450nm is also utilized in photosynthesis. Peridinin absorbs the aqua radiation and channels it to chlorophylls.
The Seneye device reports Photosynthetically Usable Radiation at 83%.”

UV-A 1.6% / Violet 31.0% / Blue 46.0% / Green-Blue 6.2% /Blue-Green 10.3%
Green 2.8% / Yellow-Green 1.0% / Yellow 0.1% / Orange 0.2% / Red 0.9%

How can I Order Orphek LED lights ?
E-mail us and get a free consultancy from our sales representative near your location.
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Free shipping – With our Door to Door Worldwide Express Delivery, your Orphek solution(s) will arrive any place in the world!
E-mail us to contact@orphek.com or fill this quick form (all fields required) and will contact you as soon as possible.
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