Orphek LED Aquarium Lighting WEEE Certified
Orphek Aquarium LED lighting is a company that has a serious commitment to the environment since its foundation and now we have moved one step forward by offering products that are WEEE certified.
Loving Nature as we do and being conscious about the environment, over the years we have only develop products with significant positive impact in everyone’s life.
By simply producing an efficient LED lighting solution Orphek is helping to reduce a great excess carbon dioxide, sulfur oxide and nuclear waste emissions that are currently being released into the atmosphere every day, leading to a cleaner world and one that will last much longer.
Today we are proud to inform that we are also WEEE certified.
For those who are not familiar with the nomenclature (terminology) WEEE stands for Waste Electrical & Environmental Equipment.
In general most products that are operated by batteries or plugs are considered WEEE.
Being WEEE Certified means that the product is produced according to the WEEED (Directive).
That said, Orphek follows all the WEEED and most of all, carefully chooses materials that have a high recycling ratio.
When these electrical items reach their end of life they are defined as Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE). Many of the electronic goods may contain hazardous materials like heavy metals or batteries. These materials can cause serious environmental damage and can dangerous to human health if they are not disposed correctly and reclycled.
Over time the electrical waste will decay and may leak toxins into the earth and our water systems and finally into the Oceans and seas harming not only the living creatures in it, but also us.
Orphek Ocean LED Aquarium Light WEEE Test Report
Orphek Atlantik V4 LED Aquarium Light WEEE Test Report
Orphek Atlantik V4 Compact LED Aquarium Light WEEE Test Report
If you have already purchased our solutions you noticed that we send you a sticker with our motto:
Orphek believes that “Protecting Nature’s biodiversity” means:
- Provide solutions with advanced technology that simulate nature in a captive environment as closely as possible
- Provide environmentally friendly lighting solutions that produce no radiant heat
- Provide solutions that are complying with the WEEE Directive therefore, take responsability for environmental waste and its consequences
- Provide solutions with upgrade possibilities to reduce WEEE
- Spread the love and concearn for Nature and its creatures
Most Orphek Solutions offer UPGRADE possibility. That means that you will use the same body over and over again! Orphek products are built to last.
Upgrading to Atlantik V4 from versions V1, V2, V2.1, V3 and V3+
While most lights are dumped after their warranty period or within a short period of time, Orphek lights components can be upgraded or replaced, therefore together with us you will help to reduce WEEE!
Orphek also offers all product manual in our website and we have been preaching all these years against printing material. (“…help us to protect our Nature by not printing this manual! We suggest you save it in your computer instead. Trees are as much important as marine creatures! And they help to balance the temperature of Mother Earth!” ) – extracted from our letter of introduction of every product manual)
OBs.: We would like this opportunity to ask you kindly to use the links instead of printing materials.
Our packages do come with printed manuals ONLY because shops and hobbyist are demanding to have them in the box.
Please help us change that. Links are so easy to use and all we need to do is email them to you or you can find them in the products page in our website!