Orphek Nilus
Orphek Nilus’s channel
1. Setting the time
Video #1 in the series of programming your new Orpehk Nilus unit. This unit is designed for coral reef tanks containing SPS, LPS, soft corals, clams and anemones. They also provide perfect lighting for FOWLR systems and predator tanks.
2. Setting the daylight
Video #2 in the series of programming your new Orpehk Nilus unit.
3. Setting the moonlight
Video #3 in the series of programming your new Orpehk Nilus unit.
Read More:
marine-engineers.org Orphek Brings on the Dimmers With “Nilus” 120 Watt LED
reefbuilders.com Orphek Nilus LED is a 120 watt multicolor SPS coral light
blog.aquanerd.com Orphek Releases Their New Nilus LED Fixture
reeftools.com Orphek Nilus – 24” 120 Watt LED Fixture
Thread: Orphek LED fixtures