Orphek has been producing LED lighting for nearly five years and we are very excited about our DIF100’s capabilities for both public and large home aquariums such as Pieter’s six meter reef tank which recently has been upgraded from metal halide lighting to our DIF series of LED pendants.
There are many benefits to be realized by upgrading to Orphek DIF LED Pendants in both public and large home aquariums. The most obvious is the ability to see more of the exhibit or the display which leads to a big visual impact in seeing the corals and fish as if they were in their native habitat.

Most public aquariums run on a tight budget which is generally funded by admission charges to the patrons so saving money is always a priority. A considerable amount of savings comes from much less energy being used and the elimination of yearly lamp replacement which also adds to maintenance time.
Many public aquariums and institutions are going green in an effort to lower their carbon footprint and the Orphek DIF Pendants will do that for you.

The savings realized will quickly pay for the investment in an Orphek LED upgrade. Another benefit is that the amount of lamps required to light a given area is reduced with Orphek DIF Series Pendants which makes for a cleaner uncluttered look and making maintenance chores much easier.
For live coral displays, our DIF 100 Pendants excel at providing the necessary intensity (PAR) and spectrum to grow corals even at depths of up to four feet.
Our wide range of available Kelvin temperatures allows the DIF Series of Pendants to be configured for a variety of uses including freshwater displays. Kelvin temperatures are available from 7,000K to 25,000K.
With a choice of four different high quality optical focusing lenses to choose from, the DIF Pendants can be used for a variety of different depth ranges as well as tailoring the light spread for a specific display size.
If you are a curator of a public aquarium, or have a large home aquarium and want to save money on energy and maintenance costs and improve the visibility of your display as well as the color of your inhabitants, please contact us for more information on how we can help you greatly reduce your operating costs.
For more information or a quote, please contact us at