One more happy customer from Spain has sent us details of his Orphek experience with his Atlantik V4 LED Aquarium Lighting units.

Eduardo has a gorgeous 600l reef tank and we are excited to share his testimonial with you!
“Hello James, and after a few days with the lights working, I have to say that I am very happy with the aspect that is taking the aquarium.
I passed some photos and a video of my aquarium.
The aquarium is 600 liters with sump, skimmer rated for 1000 liters.
The tank dimensions are 1.70 meters x 70 cm x 60 cm. I’m using Aquaforest additives”.
Eduardo also shared with us some info about his previous lighting :
“The previous lighting ran with two screens of LEDs. They were the GHL Mitras lx 7206 hv.
If you want to publish for me there is no problem. Greetings Eduardo”
Eduardo chose to use over his tank 2 units of Atlantik V4 for perfect and complete light spread.

ATLANTIK V4 Features
- 16 new types of custom made dual core LEDs in the nanometer range from 380nm to 850nm.
- Renders most natural appearance to the tank form 10K to 50K
- Provides enough RED and IR LEDs needed
- Contains Full dimming capacity in all channels, 0-100% with progressive dimming.
- Provides IoT technology & Free apps available (App Store & Google play)
- Gives the ability to control and program 200+ individual units!
- Provides the best: PAR/PUR per watt; Highest Spectrum output; and Highest efficiency power supply.
What else Orphek is offering you that others are not?
- A LED light that is made of full body acrylic. Our light is not only solid and durable, but also beautiful to display.
- A LED light that has a length of 24.21” (615mm), a width of 9.37” (238mm) and a height of 2.11” (53.6mm) .
- A LED light that comes not with any driver, but with Mean Well driver (model HLG-240H-48A) – we give you what the market has best to offer!
- A LED light that comes with a customized plug for your region.
- A LED light that comes with a hanging kit with no extra costs.
- A LED fixture providing the lowest consumption Euro X watt.

If you are also from Europe or at any country around the globe and you are also wishing to:
- Improve the quality of life of your corals and marine species
- Install a neat and easy to clean fixture
- Own not only a conceptual design LED light solution, but a true color & growth technology
We will be very happy to find the best Orphek LED Lights for your tank.
Also if you wish to know more details about our Atlantik unit, email us to and we will help get you started! You can also reach us by filling our form.
One of the greatest pleasures of our company is the fact that Orphek staff is in close contact with its clients. That gives us the opportunity to follow and share the development of our client’s corals over the years. It is also great to receive their feedback on our products and service.
We would like to invite you to browse our website and participate with your Orphek experience.
Let us know about your tank and share it with many other hobbyists!
Sharing is very easy! All you have to do is to send us the basic information about your tank, usually starting from the beginning (when you started your tank), what are you running in the tank, the living creatures you have in your tank and of course pictures of the tank and of your corals. We also would like to have pictures of our lights above the tank 😉
Please send to
We really hope you will find some time to send us your info so we can publish right away!
Thank you in advance,