Orphek is introducing to you today the Orphek Atlantik V4 and Atlantik V4 Compact Generation 2

For the company’s 10th year celebration we decided to rebuild the Atlantik series from scratch while keeping the same overall look, same spectrum and same power.
But get it wrong, there are changes and we will show you now!
Buying a Atlantik V4 means that have acquired an Orphek Atlantik series unit with forth generation spectrum.
We decided that this is the perfect spectrum for corals, so we haven’t changed that at all!

So what is New ?
- We reprogramed and lunched new apps
- We also reprogramed the wireless module to connect with a new protocol with the New Gateway 2 so you will have a better, faster and more reliable connection. We have upgraded 2 times the Gateway software to fix all possible bugs
- Same Mean well water proof power factor 0.97, which is already fantastic, with improved waterproof connectors
You won’t see most of these changes because most of them are internal and many are changes of protocols, but you will certainly notice the difference while using it!
What else you are getting?
We have improved the quality of Orphek’s internal components!
- We are now offering an improved heatsink
- New electric cable connectors
- A new fan totally with a certified UL to CE company supplier
- Improved acrylic parts
- New aluminum grill size to fit better
- New aluminum anti-rust paint for longer lifespam
- Total new screw with better quality bathed in anti-rust paint for ultimate protetion
- The PC card in now bathed in a special anti-rust anti-salt corrosion paint
- New antenna ring to keep your antenna perfectly placed
- We have improved the temperature sensor
- Custom lens for Orphek Deep Aquarium 90, 60, 45, 15 and 5 degrees

Not to mention that:
- we have also changed the sticker serial number with G2 and 2018
- we have also changed our packing box to fit both the gateway and the mounting arm
- and we have made new electric certifications
As you already know Orphek believes that “Protecting Nature’s biodiversity” means:
- Provide solutions with advanced technology that simulate nature in a captive environment as closely as possible
- Provide environmentally friendly lighting solutions that produce no radiant heat
- Provide solutions that are complying with the WEEE Directive therefore, take responsability for environmental waste and its consequences
- Provide solutions with upgrade possibilities to reduce WEEE
- Spread the love and concern for Nature and its creatures
Orphek products are built to last!!
Most Orphek Solutions offer UPGRADE possibility. That means that you will use the same body over and over again! Now with the new Orphek Atlantik V4 and Atlantik Compact V4 GEN2 you will have a total new experience and you will also be able to upgrade your previousV4 series to connect with the new Gateway 2!
What else Orphek is offering ?
- A LED light that is made of full body acrylic. Our light is not only solid and durable, but also beautiful to display.
- A LED light that comes not with any driver, but with IP65 Mean Well driver – we give you what the market has best to offer!
- A LED light that comes with a customized plug for your region.
- A LED light that comes with a hanging kit with no extra costs.