Mounting Atlantik LED lighting Series to your Aquarium
We are often asked for ideas on how to mount our Atlantik series LED lights so we thought it would be a good idea if we shared some of our customer’s ideas they had for mounting their lights.
There are many ways to mount our lights and it is all up to your imagination and cleverness. Here are a few good ideas to start with.
Orphek anti-rust Mounting Arm Kit is designed specifically for the installation and positioning of Orphek Aquarium LED illumination fixtures.

It is easy to use the Radion tank rails to mount the Atlantik LED Lights.
The T-nuts on our light slide right into the track with no modification of any kind.

Aqua Illumination’s tank rail mounting system For Orphek Atlantik
The mounting system shown above is a very ingenious way of using Aqua Illumination’s tank rail mounting system. It is only necessary to cut the rails to fit the length of your tank and replace the nuts on the Atlantik with Ny-Loc nuts which then slide into the grooves of the rails.

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DIY mounting system Aquarium LED Lighting
The mounting system in the photo Below utilizes a metal product called Uni-Strut. It can be mounted to the wall or the cabinet itself. This mount is holding a pair of our Atlantik V4 lights. Uni-Strut and accessories can be found at big box hardware stores like Home Depot, Lowes, etc.

LED Lighting Aquarium Stands
Tank stands can be made by using aluminum tubing and angle iron. The assembly traps itself on the side walls of your tank. This customer uses the included wire mounting system supplied with all Atlantiks to hang his Atlantik Compacts from the tank stand.

Conduit fittings For Aquarium LED Lights

The photo shows the simplest form of mounting our lights. This consists of an aluminum tube bent at a 90 degree angle with a hook mounted at the end of the tube to secure the cables. The tubing can be fastened to the back of the stand with two pipe clamps.

Tank Mounts Aquarium LED lighting
The photos above show what can be done with a pair of Halo Tank Mounts. This idea is from one of our sales reps and he uses this mounting system on his reef tank to support his Atlantik V4. You can find the Halo Mounts on Amazon and reasonably priced.

Mounting systems Arm for aquarium LED lighting
And then there are always the elaborate systems being used. This particularly good mounting idea came from a client in Switzerland. The pair of Atlantiks can be raised or
lowered to facilitate tank maintenance. Mounting systems like this generally require a shop to construct the mount.

Aquarium LED lighting Hang kit
One more elaborate idea comes from a client in Switzerland. He had an aluminum plate made to mount his two Atlantiks for a clean looking design. The holes were nicely cut out by an end mill to allow the cooling fans to breathe and reduce the weight of the unit.
So you can see just by the few ideas above that there are many ways of mounting the Atlantik series of lights on your tank.