Pantone New Campaign

Each year Pantone releases its Color of The Year which involves a selection process requires thoughtful consideration and trend analysis. To arrive at the selection each year, Pantone’s color experts at the Pantone Color Institute comb the world looking for new color influences.
2019 Color of The Year is called Living Coral. PANTONE 16-1546 Living Coral emits the desired, familiar, and energizing aspects of color found in nature. In its glorious, yet unfortunately more elusive, display beneath the sea, this vivifying and effervescent color mesmerizes the eye and mind. Lying at the center of our naturally vivid and chromatic ecosystem, PANTONE Living Coral is evocative of how coral reefs provide shelter to a diverse kaleidoscope of color.
For us hobbyist, the interest in corals and its complex natural habitat and our passion for these marine creatures is what moves us to worry about Global Warming and the thrive of these delicate creatures.
Gladly, companies like Pantone, Adobe and The Ocean Agency decided to spotlight the problem and draw and expand the attention to a wider public:
Glowing Glowing Gone
When Pantone announced Living Coral as the 2019 Color of the Year, many were quick to point out the irony given the dire situation of our oceans. Over the last 30 years, 50% of the world’s coral reefs have been lost, stripping us of a valuable ecosystem. Now, Pantone, Adobe Stock, and non-profit The Ocean Agency have come together to draw attention to this plight with Glowing Glowing Gone. For this campaign, a set of three colors matching the fluorescent tones coral give off just prior to death have been released to the public.
This phenomenon, known as coral fluorescence, is the species’ “last line of defense” before succumbing to bleaching and was captured in vivid detail by The Ocean Agency when filming their award-winning 2016 documentary Chasing Coral. “Only a handful of people have ever witnessed the highly visual spectacle of corals ‘glowing’ in vibrant colors in a desperate bid to survive underwater heat waves,” says Richard Vevers, founder of The Ocean Agency. “Yet this phenomenon is arguably the ultimate indicator of one of our greatest environmental challenges—ocean warming and the loss of coral reefs.”
Glowing yellow, Blue and Purple
The incredible blue, purple, and yellow tones radiate color, but while beautiful to look at, they’re also a striking reminder of what’s at stake. In curating a collection based around Glowing Blue, Glowing Purple, and Glowing Yellow, Adobe Stock is once again reminding the public of how great design can also have a social impact.
“Living Coral is naturally exquisite, but ironically, it is the illuminating glow radiating from the dying coral that is demanding our attention,” says Laurie Pressman, VP of the Pantone Color Institute. “It is as if the corals are sending a color-coded SOS that says, ‘Please look at me; I need you to notice before I slip away.’ In that sense, these incredibly vibrant colors could be considered the colors of the climate crisis.”
Glowing Glowing Gone’s challenge to creatives is to use these colors, as well as Adobe Stock Images by The Ocean Agency, as a call to arms. By subtly reminding the public of what we risk losing, the hope is that this heightened awareness will provoke change. To that end, they’re asking creators to share their work using the hashtag #GlowingGone.
Orphek Led Lighting and the Environment
Why we started Orphek
Lightning, water temperature, feeding strategies and water chemistry, all affect the growth of living creatures and the general appearance of an aquarium.
Proper lighting is one of the most important aspects of any aquarium, and one of the biggest challenges to aquarists. It used to be for us as aquarist for many years, especially when growing corals.
Many hobbyists like us are responsible today for the preservation of this ecosystem, these creatures and the others living around them by reproducing parts of the ocean in our own homes and public venues.
In fact we are the ones preserving them for generations to come!
While trying to simulate nature in a captive environment as closely as possible, and considering efficiency, Orphek was not satisfied with the light solutions on the market at the time.
So we decided to use our experience as hobbyists, and team up with marine biologists and engineers to develop a product of our own.
From the beginning our main concern was to find a solution that would not only answer to aquarists’ needs, but would also have an exquisite design, an outstanding performance and high quality components.
Commitment to the environment
Since then, all our products have proven themselves to be very successful over planted, SPS reef and public aquariums, and quickly gained respect and recognition as a leader in LED lighting technology and innovation.
Loving Nature as we do and being conscious about the environment, we only develop products with significant positive impact in everyone’s life.
By simply producing an efficient LED lighting solution Orphek is helping to reduce a great excess carbon dioxide, sulfur oxide and nuclear waste emissions that are currently being released into the atmosphere every day, leading to a cleaner world and one that will last much longer.
Our environmentally friendly lighting solutions produce no radiant heat, and they will not raise the aquarium temperature more than two degrees Celsius above the room temperature! Soon you will find out that by using Orphek LED lighting products, you will achieve more color and growth, with less cooling and electricity than metal halides or any other traditional form of lighting.
Learn how Orphek makes your corals pop using Light!
Orphek has made a lot of gorgeous LED lights over the years.
While the Atlantik has evolved plenty over the years, particularly with regards to functionality, we thought it’d be good idea to just focus on how the blue/Violet Channel would make your coral pop.
Please go to: POP CORALS to learn all about it!!
If you are in any country around the globe and you are also wishing to:
- Improve the quality of life of your plants and fresh water species
- Install a neat and easy to clean fixture
- Own not only a conceptual design LED light solution, but a true color & growth technology
We will be very happy to find the best Orphek LED Lights for your tank.
Email us to and we will help get you started! You can also reach us by filling our form