Over the years we have been showing many high end aquariums.
The list is long, but from time to time we are lucky to be able to showcase the tank from the very beginning.
Some of our clients are kind enough to share all the details of their project so we can all profit from their experience.

Tank Features:
Systems –
Kyle Elder (Elder1945)
Tank info/Bio:
Tank overall size 200 gallons 85″x30″x18″
Equipments –
Sump: I supra 180
Controller: GHL Profilux P4
Doser: GHL Doser 2.1
Calcium Reactor: Vertex RX-C 6DK
Lights: 2x Orphek Atlantik v4
Custom Stand by: Adaptive Reef
SO, today we have an amazing high end tank under 2 Orphek Atlantik V4 units with high quality equipments.
Here a little bit of the history of the tank:
My tank is in its infancy in respect to stocking. With minor zoanthids colony’s and a few random corals place so far i have started to put the whole system to the test. The system is designed to run SPS without any hesitation or additional equipment. The plan is a 50/50 split with SPS the main focal point.
The design on the system is based of what I see as the three pillars of a successful reef aquarium.One, Filtration Two, Lighting Three, Control.
As for the first pillar I decided to go with a Vertex I-supra 180i as the build quality and filtration capability matched what my system later in its life will require. The second pillar was lighting and with all the options out there I needed something to match the aesthetic, quality and ease of use a this lead me strait to the Orphek V4. As for the third and last pillar I only had one choice that would match the control that the Orphek V4 provides and it was the GHL ProfiLux.
The system has had the V4 from launch and I could not be happier with there overall ease of use, power and build quality. With this system I wanted only equipment with a proven track record and I think I got it with the Orphek Atlantik V4s.
The photos speak for themselves. The tank has an extremely clear look and organized layout:

Why Orphek Atlantik V4:
Client has shared his testemonial and project in a thread at reef2reef, so we decided to copy here for those who are still not members of the forum.
“I have decided to go with two Orphek Atlantik V4.. This is the number Orphek recommended and I have an option of adding one more if needed. I am waiting for them to ship and hope to have them in hand in a few weeks. I had many options for the lighting of my reef tank but Orphek has the quality and the history to show what is possible with LED’s. I have personally seen tanks run the older versions and they look amazing in my opinion.
One of my favorite tanks of all time”

He continues:
“Yes I have followed Orphek for a long time and when it came time for me to choose there history speaks quite loud.. They do Huge systems with no issue they also have an amazing amount of hobby grade tanks out there that are just amazing.
I have yet to own an Oprhek product but what I have seen in person and read online they are one of the best in this price range.
From what I can gather it is hard to find an equal even with Ecotech and others out there.
We will all find out together though in the following months how they do. I have extremely high expectations and hopes for them. The G4 from Ecotech were inviting and I almost pulled the trigger…. The AI hydras HD’s were hard to beat in price as well but did not see the results or hear the results that I liked with SPS system. This got me onto the ATI hybrids but then I saw the Orphek V4 and jumped head first….. I am no means a SPS expert and with this tank going almost 100% SPS I am going to need all the help I can get. I believe the Orphek v4 will give me an edge on growth and coloration without the heat and upkeep of t5’s or halide’s. This is my hope…”

Follow here this project at [sponsored] Project Reef by Elder1945 200g
If you are also from the USA or any country around the globe and you are also wishing to purchase or upgrade your Orphek units and:
- Improve the quality of life of your corals and marine species
- Install a neat and easy to clean fixture
- Own not only a conceptual design LED light solution, but a true color & growth technology
We will be very happy to find the best Orphek LED Lights for your tank.
Also if you wish to know more details about our Atlantik V4 unit, email us to contact@orphek.com and we will help get you started! You can also reach us by filling our form