Check out what reefers have been saying about Orphek products and services!
“Love my new lighting and I had no trouble acclimating the BTA’s with the acclimation program provided. My tank was borderline from needing a chiller and it now runs about 2-3 degrees cooler with the new lights”. Mark Gustin – California – USA – 2017
“…And then, the third fixture was the Orphek Atlantik V4. Without any doubt, this is THE best led fixture I have ever had!” Christophe, 2017 – Beligium
“Just wanted to let you know I got lights today. I programmed them with my girlfriend’s phone. They are set up on acclimation channel! I played around a bit with them and I want to say I am very pleased with the lights!!! I should have my tablet tomorrow. I just want to say thank you much! Very nice product. I have attached a few pictures of my tank as requested. I am very flattered at the offer as I would like to share how good your lights work over the various forums.” Eric Woodroof – USA – 2017
“Hello James, the package has arrived today. Thank you for the great support! Have a great week!
“The lights that you produce are genius.” Benjamin, 2017 – answering to our survey.
“Thanks for your interest in my feedback. I got the best attention from your side and I am really enthusiastic about your products”. Flemming Jørgensen, 2017 answering to our customer survey.
“Hello, the contact and the information I got was great. The procedure of the order was also great. I am happy”. Patrick, 2017 – answering to our survey.
“Hello from Athens, Greece. My name is Kostas. I have been in touch in the past. I have a 250l cube tank with an Orphek Atlantik Compact running about a year. The results are incredible”. Kostas – 2017 – Greece
“Hi James, Here a comparison between our Sun and the V4. Both measurements taken without water penetration. If you look at the graph you can see that in the Blue spectrum the V4 is stronger than the sun. The only light which performs similar is metal halide. Impressive isn’t it ? Best wishes, Immo” Immo, 2017 – email to sales
“Hi James, now the lights are good. I don´t know could not connect. My phone has many Apps perhaps it was this the reason and anything was blocking. Now also I can connect with the tablet. Many Thanks for you help and all the Orphek Team for the very good service.” Roland, 2017 – email to support – feedback after being assisted to connect the lights.
“Hello, I am very pleased with the lamp and the light of the V4 – Compact. I would like to thank you again very cordially for the support and fast delivery at Orphek. I will the V2.1, if the V4 holds what I expect, probably one way or so at the end of 2017 exchange. Thanks again for the quality product. Greetings to Jürg Dürr” Jurg Durr – email to support (edited – personal info of the client is not shown here)
“Hi James, Today everything has arrived well. Great Lamp !!! I will recommend you.” BR, Carsten Rehfeld, 2017 – email to sales

“Absolutely spot on review,really great video!! Thanks for doing it:) I’ve had my units for a couple of months and I love them ” Reef2reef member commenting on BRS video of our Atlantik V4
“Glad to see they have arrived and you like them, I’m going to stick with my Atlantik 2:1b’s for now which I’ve had for 2 years, I’ve always loved Orpheks I had there 156’s for 5 years before these…hopefully they start to give the radions a run for there money as these are superior lights in every way, glad brstv have made this video as Orphek have been so under represented in the market place…” Reef2reef member commenting on BRS video of our Atlantik V4
“I have one of these and its by far better than any Radion, AI, or Kessil I’ve used. There’s really no comparison. If you want to get a light where the company hasn’t spent all of its money on marketing (looking at you Ecotech), getting the most for your dollar, and just in general just getting something quality, etc. this is it.” member of Youtube commenting on BRS video of our Atlantik V4
Fantastic led fixture!!! I have it above my sps tank, for a few months already, and I’m having better growth and color results compared to my older fixtures (Maxspect Razor, Ecotech Radion G3 Pro)!
“I have the compact V4 on a 24”, 60 gallon cube and it’s awesome. You may want to compare this to a Chinese black box but what I don’t see mentioned here is that Orphek does its main work in very large major aquariums around the globe. This is a serious company elsewhere with very solid research“. Member of Youtube commenting on BRS video of our Atlantik V4
“Glad to see these finally reviewed! Their ability to cover such a large area (I have 2 on a 2×6) is why I went with them over other led options. While more expensive per fixture than the competition, the total cost to light the tank was less”. comments on Reef2reef forum, RandyBRS thread
Thanks for the review!! They are brilliant LEDs I have 4 on my 6ft and love it! Thanks for the review!” comments on Reef2reef forum, RandyBRS thread

“Hi James, I have the lamp thank you for the good and friendly service . I send you pictures from the tank when the lamps hang over it.” Juergen, 2017 – email to sales
“Hi James, I receive today the new board, I plugged it on and it works perfect! Thanks a lot James again, we will be in touch!” John Raptis, Greece – 2017 – email to sales
“Thx James, Seems all is there? I will just have to wait, for me seeing my newatlantics shine over my tank is the end of rebuilding my house after it was damaged by a November storm. So yeah really waiting on them to close that period. And then we will drink a beer ? Excellent support my friend. Gone miss you when this is all over ? Andre?” Andre – 20017 – email to support
“Hello James, This afternoon got my pendants. Well I’m more than happy with the lights. I Hanged one already and it gave me a Par reading with (Apogee) of 192 from the center of the bottom. That’s Great, very good. Well, tomorrow I’m going abroad to the UK so I will be home again in a week. I will continue when I’m back. I like to say Thank you for everything so far OK. Thank you and very happy with the lights. Take care. Best Regards” Roger Aquilina, 20017 – email to sales
“Thank you very much for the speed with which the PC board Has been delivered” Jean Dachary, 2017 – email to sales
“Hey James, Thx for the update and the support. I do love the Orphek’s and support been great, keep up the good work.” Andre, 2017 – email to sales
“Hi James, I have to say I am impressed with your support from the other side of the Atlantik (pun intended ?) and this is making me seriously consider the V4s. Thank you very much for addressing all concerns quickly, which is not always the case with some of your competitors.” Vasco Luis, 2017 -email to sales.
“I have always viewed lighting as one of the most important parts of keeping a successful reef tank and after lots of research in to LEDs there was no doubt that Orphek was the perfect choice around 4 months ago I upgraded from my Orphek v21b to the new v4 and have noticed much better growth and health as well as improvements in color particularly in my acropora corals. The range of control and the color spectrums available are outstanding”. Bryan Shaw – UK – 2017

“Hello, I got all the information I needed and also very fast. Good service!! Regards” Roland Bal – Nerdelands – 2017
“Hello there James got some pics for you I’m really impressed with these lights. 500 liter mixed reef tank LPs and some softies a few sps as well bottom sump with DSB and cheato .korralen calcium reactor and ghl control system.” Karl, 20017 – email to sales
“Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! I’m sooooooo excited. You are wonderful! BEST customer service EVER!!!!! Ill be sending pics and leaving AWESOME reviews. Thank you for your patience. These lights ROCK!!!!!! Attached, you will find several pictures of my tank with your Beautiful Atlantik V4 units. I LOVE THEM!!! My tank is a 150 gallon display. Currently I have no livestock because the tank is currently being cycled”. Brian – USA, may 2 2017
“Hi, I bought three v3+ nearly six months ago,I have had no problems thanks, very pleased”. Graham, UK – 2017
“Hi, Many thanks to Orphek for the rapid response and service in providing for the few LED’s that have failed in the last four years. These are the best lights I have seen for a coral reef aquarium and I only have the Atlantik V1. A truly spectacular light to go along with the support. After four years these are still the best LED aquarium lights I have seen. Regards, Mauro” Mauro, Canberra – Australia – 2017
?”Tank 1 & 2 are running and have soft and LPS corals. We are starting to see good growth from them. Tanks 3 & 4 are in the nitrogen cycle period. We are going through the cycle of growing the beneficial bacteria population and stabilizing the water parameters prior to placing coral. These two tanks will be mostly SPS coral species – again, exclusively from Fiji”. Phil, from Kula WILD Adventure Park, Fiji
”Dear Orphek! I owe you the return of these superb jewels that are your V4! Do not hesitate to ask me for more information if necessary, I remain at your disposal. Thanks again for your sympathy! Very cordially, Bastien” Bastien – first client to receive our new Atlantik V4 – Montpellier, France – 2017.
“I am very very very … happy about that and I am a bit proud to be the first one to have the V4 compact, it is great!!!” Gotthard G – Austria, 2017
Have the version 3’s as a result of frustration with Razor’s. Absolutely love them! Noticed immediate growth on what had been seemingly dormant Acro’s. Also, very easy to program and manage from my ipad. Highly recommend!”Hi, I’m running x6 Orphek Atlantik V2 in my 50”x50”x28” reef tank and I’m really happy with my current setup, amazing colors and corals growth. Hobbyst from Reef2Reef (oldreefer44) – USA.
These are the latest testimonials about our products and customer service. If you wish to read more please go to our TESTIMONIALS page.
Now that you have read what REAL customers using our lights over their tanks are saying about us
- We are the first company to introduce Internet of Things (IoT) technology.
- First company to develop solutions to deliver light spectrum for depths over 15 meters.
- First company to develop UV/violet LEDs in reef aquariums.
- First company that provides a wide spectrum red without using normal 660nm and 640nm LEDs.
- First company making its own wide spectrum blue LEDs.
- First and only company to make its own proprietary White UV LEDs.
- First company to use high Kelvin white LEDs.
- First company to make 100-watt matrix multicolor LED chips and first to have the technology to customize the chip to any Kelvin temperature desired.
Orphek is proud to be committed to customer assistance excellence!
If you have any question regarding any of our LED Lighting Solutions, Orphek provides online Technical Support, answering to inquires from all over the world. From technical details about the products; payment, shipping and tracking of your purchased order (PO); to installation, maintenance and troubleshooting of your Orphek Led Lighting Solution, we offer you full support.
Our consultants, representatives and all professionals involved in the company-customer relationship understand the client’s priorities and are trained to provide full support and personal/customized services from the first contact. We are committed to reach successfully all our client’s expectations.
Orphek Team is happy to hear from you at: