Atlantik Concept.
We are strongly recommending to all Atlantik´s Owner to read this concept of design and operation of the Atlantik series of lights.
This will allow you to understand how to get the best results from the Atlantik LED series of lights.
The idea behind the Atlantik series is to simulate as much as we can of the sun’s cycle and spectrum that is present on coral reefs.
We do not incorporate wavelengths for a spectrum that corals do not require. This wastes the precious energy of LEDs for no useful purpose other than to grow nuisance algae or provide false PAR readings because of the intensity of green LEDs.
Our method of operation allows you to take full control over the spectrum and light intensity of each channel.
In this post we will guide you to get the maximum benefits from your Atlantik light to ensure you get the best results for growing coral and other photosynthetic invertebrates.
What to expect from your unit?
Over the years we studied the natural spectrum of the sun and the benefits as well as the negatives. We applied this knowledge to provide the ideal spectrum for growing coral with our Atlantik series of LED lights.
In every Atlantik Reef or Planted model there are 4 channels and each channel contains different group of LEDs to create a particular wavelength. When these channels are running in unison with each other, the spectrum that benefits corals the most is created.
Our four channel light groups will give you unlimited options for different wavelength combinations.
Three of the four channels are full spectrum channels but focus on different wave lengths of the spectrum the Atlantik creates.
For example, channel three provides a full spectrum but with a high amount of UV/violet in the 395-440nm wavelength. This is beneficial for chlorophyll A which helps provide the coral with one of the nutrients needed to accelerate growth.
The combination of channels one and two also provide a full spectrum but targets chlorophyll B production which provides coral a more intense and vibrant color.
By giving you full control over all four channels, it allows you to tweak each channel to your own personal preference.
We provide eight programs that have been built into the unit; the programs have been tested for years with very good success. However, since every tank is different and may have different requirements, you can tweak these built in programs to your own personal taste and save them as another program.
It is important that you proceed slowly with the intensity adjustment and check how your coral reacts. We suggest you start with the coral acclimation program because coral is sensitive to sudden changes in light intensity and spectrum. If the Atlantik(s) are replacing metal halide or HQI lighting then this step may not be necessary. As you observe your coral you can change or even create your own program to your coral’s requirements. SPS, LPS, and soft corals all, in most instances, have different light requirements as far as intensity is concerned so your coral should be placed appropriately in your tank. If you will have a mixed reef, the coral needing less light should be placed on or near the upper area of the tank, LPS in the mid section and SPS near the top.
If your water parameters are not maintained correctly or your tank not maintained well, you cannot expect good results regardless of what light you are using.
Setting up the channels
In order to set the program desired, we provide a user friendly way that just requires you to follow a few simple steps.
Every channel has eight time points and intensity levels that can be set.
For example, if you want channel 1 to begin at 09:00 and ramp up to a programmed intensity level at 11:00 and remain at that level until 18:00 and then proportionately dim to 0% and shut off at 20:00, you would do the following steps:
Channel 1:
Point 1: 09:00 1% (Light will turn on at 1% intensity)
Point 2: 11:00 100%, (At 09:00 the light will proportionately ramp up to 100% at 11:00)
Point 3: 18:00 100% (This ensures channel 1 will remain at 100% intensity from 11:00 to 18:00)
Point 4: 20:00 0% (this slowly will dim the unit beginning at 18:00 and at 20:00 channel one will be OFF until 09:00 the next day)
Check the screen shot below of how this program would appear on your tablet or phone.
You can now set the remaining channels in the same manner to your personal preferences.
You can use any of the installed programs and change the time and/or intensity to your preferences. You will then need to send it. A window will appear asking you to name this program. Give it a name and press send or save. The program will be stored in the program list which you can access by pressing select in the upper right hand corner of the screen.
To sum it up, each channel can be programmed individually for both time and intensity. This offers you an endless amount of combinations.
Cloud mode and storm mode
At the beginning of the page we stated that the concept of the Atlantik series is to duplicate only the beneficial wavelengths of the natural spectrum available on the reefs.
Storm mode
Orphek feels that the storm mode provides no useful benefits for coral but just the opposite which is stress. Lightning effects can cause some fish such as wrasses to jump and end up on the floor if your tank is uncovered. Corals are also sensitive to intense and rapid flickering of light.
Cloud Mode
The program provides this feature naturally with sunrise/sunset effect. If you need to do a few days of coral acclimation just choose the acclimation program and after the coral has acclimated to the light you can go back to the original program you set.
In this regard you will not stress your coral with a sudden strong intensity or change in spectrum.
How to save a program
The Atlantik series of LEDs will save the last program you have set.
For example : if you go to quick Set and choose just the red channel and turn the power off and back on, your last mode will be saved and in this case the red channel.
If in some cases you need to control the unit with an external timer and you can do so in the quick set mode by adjusting each channel to your preference and then set your lamp timer to the desired on and off time. . After using quick set you will need to go back and resend the program you have been running.
You can send a program if the lights are off and the Atlantik will run the program for the next light cycle
Each Atlantik Light can be controlled individually
You can set each of the units with a different program and also control each unit in the quick set. To do this, click the tab of the light you wish to send a program to and it will send the program to that individual unit.
If you do not select an individual light, by default it will send the program to all the units you are using.
Checking the current program you are running
It is not necessary to be connected to the unit in order to check the program that is currently running. By clicking ALL or the tab of the light you wish to check, the program in use will be displayed on the top of the screen.
By clicking ALL you will be ask if to retrieve the last program that has been sent.
Then it will show the graph with the current setting as shown in the screen shots below.
By clicking yes, the unit will load the last program that has been sent. This process does not require connection to your tablet or phone. By clicking no, the screen will show the program being displayed.
Understanding the Wifi
The light communicates to the tablet or phone via wifi. If you wish to make some changes to the program you are running you must verify that you are connected to the unit with your tablet or phone. If your units are set up with a router than the units will always be connected as long as the router is connected to the network. The Atlantiks are a part of your network and have their own IP addresses. In a case where there may be multiple networks in one home, please be sure you are connected to the network the Atlantiks are part of or the light will not respond.
You can configure the light to respond as:
- Point to point, the unit will automatically assign an IP to the tablet or phone and provide an SSID network.
- Or The unit will be part of the router network and then you need to be connected to the router to control the units. (More information on advanced settings can be found on our website under the Atlantik tab.
When you have just one unit then you can connect directly to the light Point to Point tablet. A router is not required for single unit set ups.
If you have more than one unit and you want to control them all at one time
you need to follow the instructions on how to connect the lights to the router.
If you want to control few units but not at the same time and without using a router, then you must change the SSID of each unit.
So for example, if using two units, name them Atlantik 1 and Atlantik 2 or any other name as long as both are different.
The PC Card,
Inside the Atlantik series of lights there is PC card, this PC card is responsible for all the light functions and communications between the Atlantik and your tablet or phone. The PC card is an Orphek proprietary design by Orphek and does not violate any other controller patent that exists.
The PC card contains a wireless module that is plug_and_play.
There is also a memory backup to save the program and time of day and this component is also removable without unsoldering for updating to any future changes we may make.
All other components are used to control the light intensity and the cooling fans. The fans work on demand and do not run continuously.
The PC card is the brain of the unit and it does many complex calculations in order to set the right amount of intensity during every minute of the program.
On the PC card there is small button that you can press. You must press it and hold for 4 or 5 seconds and then when one of the leds flicker you can release it. This will bring the unit back to the default factory setting and will set the wireless SSID to wifi-socket and the unit IP to
Intensity of the Light and color control.
In most tanks the unit will provide more intensity than is required for good coral growth.
This is very good because this gives us the ability to set each channel to the correct spectrum and intensity desired.
At the same time the tank can still get a high amount of lumens and not look dark.
The color of the tank can be set to your preference by configuring the four channels. If you prefer a bluer look increase the blue channel and reduce the white channel.
If you prefer a warmer look then reduce the blue and increase the white and red channel.
Another method you can use is to look at the spectrograph of each channel. You can find this in our product page. You can see the combination of the channels and what spectrum they provide.
The only true way to know the spectrum is by doing a spectrum test!
Therefore we made it easy for you and we took the spectrum of 15 combinations of channels.
This important to know because if you desire to get more color then growth you need to provide more light from channels one and two which stimulate chlorophyll B production.
And if you desire to get more growth then increase the intensity of channels three and four.
By changing the intensity of the channels you get both color control and spectrum for the coral plus control of Chlorophyll A + B.
Changing the intensity will also change the shimmering effect.
The LEDs
Each LED diode is designed, produced and implemented with a specific goal in mind; to produce the best possible light for corals to grow and thrive under.
Our spectral advancements are second to none in the industry as we refuse to use off the shelf LEDs, instead choosing to utilize custom made LED diodes that fit our exact specifications for our well defined spectrum. This allows us to tailor our individual LED spectrum as well as the spectrum of the entire unit. Orphek does not use any RGB, green or off the shelf 640/660nm red LEDs.
We get the spectrum desired in other ways, in that regard Orphek does not violate any color mixing patent.
Orphek uses full spectrum white LEDs and at any Kelvin desired. We do not use any standard cool white LEDs which now flood the market.
We use a full wide spectrum RED LED, not standard red LEDs that many other companies may use.

Our blue and cyan LEDs also cannot be found for sale on the market.
We use wide full spectrum UV/white and violet/white LEDs in our fixtures. This allows us to get more lumens per watt.

By doing so we can create any spectrum desired for both reef or planted freshwater aquariums.
Our goal is to provide products with the correct spectrum and needed amount of light for photosynthetic animals and plants to flourish in their full beauty and have full control over the light with a user friendly application.
We eliminated many unnecessary features from the firmware in order to allow controlling the light to be as simple as possible.
We update the program often and the latest version of the program can be found on the product page associated with your light. Go to and select your product.