Pat and Kelly and see their beautiful 200 gallon mixed reef
We recently got the opportunity to visit the home of Pat and Kelly and see their beautiful 200 gallon mixed reef. The tank is 72”x24”x27” high and is lit by two of our Atlantik v1’s.
The tank has been thriving and Pat reports that he has seen a substantial increase in both color and growth since switching to the Orphek Atlantiks. The tank was recently “harvested” because so many of the corals were overgrown and needed to be trimmed back.
They gave us a tour of the support system and during the tour Pat whipped out his Azurelite flashlight to show us a couple of things we might have missed. We also got to talk with the service company who maintains the tank and they reported that they have been more than impressed with the results of the Atlantik.
Take a look at the pictures and see for yourself. Thanks again Pat and Kelly!!! We look forward to hearing and seeing more from this tank.