Wide Convex Lens – is designed for maximum coverage with good PAR. It’s good for shallow water grow-out systems or larger deep water fish only systems. Often used in conjunction with other lens options this lens can help to fill in gaps where deeper penetration is not needed such as along outer edges where rock structures are shallow.
PAR testing was completed over a 10 foot x 8 foot area (3.05m x 2.44m). Readings were taken at 1 foot (30.48cm) increments on the x and y axis. Each lens option was tested at the most common heights in order to maximize the usefulness of the testing.
PAR testing was conducted using an Apogee MQ-200 Quantum Sensor set in the electric mode. The unit measures par in PPF units (?mol m-2 s-1). 3 readings were taken at each point and the average was used as the reading in the final graphs. Information was recorded in Microsoft Excel and converted into plots. 2 plots for each test show the overhead distribution (Coverage area) and the side view surface plot showing the PAR values achieved.