Juerg Durr who is located in Switzerland, has shared some photos of his beautiful reef tank

Fact sheet – house reef family Dürr
Technical data of the main pool
Dimensions basin: length 2.00m, width 0. 70m, height 0.60m
Volume of pool: approx. 840Liter
Glass thickness: 15 mm white glass
Basin: overflow tray, comb filter, line reinforcement above and below
Lighting: 2 x Orphek Atlantik 2 .1B / 1 x Orphek Atlantic V4 Compact
Program: Coral colors
Flow pumps 2 x Maxspect 150 + 2 Tunze Nanostream 6040

Technical data of the technology pool
Cabinet: aluminum profiles, wood trim, removable
Technology pool (sump): 1.20 m x 0.50 x 0.50 m
Volume approx. 200 litres of algae retreat + technology and about 100 litres of refill water with automatic level control
Light: T5 4 x 24W temporally transferred to the main pool lighting
Skimmer: Skimz SM 201 (500-2000Liter)
Recirculation pump: AquaBee UP8000 electronic
UV clarifiers: available, use only before a change in trim

Decoration: 50% PM reef ceramic + 50% live rocks, coral sand 0.5-1 mm, mangroves in the main basin
Div. soft, LPS and SPS corals, shells, snails and hermit, burrowing sea stars
Fish: Zebrasoma flavescens, Zebrasoma velifer, Centropyge loricula Valenciennea coeruleopunctata, chromium viridis, Pseudanthias squamipinnis, Cirrhilabrus rubripinnis, Labroides dimidiatus
Water values: 25 ? C, salinity 1.023, KH 8, CA 450, 1400 mg phosphate < 0.1, nitrate < 10
Dosage: Dosage by hand with measuring cups, KH 200ml / TG, TG, CA 50ml / mg 25ml / TG (FaunaMarin BallingLight)
FaunaMarin color elements A, B, C 20 ml each per week
RedSea No3: Po4-x approx. 15ml / TG
RedSea reef energy A & B approx. 20ml per week
Activated carbon available in the filter bag
Maintenance change the water about 10% per month with osmosis water (RedSea and TropicMarin salt)
Life pool: spring 2016
We would like to thank Juerg for sharing his reef tank success story with us and for providing the photos.
If you would like a successful reef tank you can start with Orphek LED Lighting, a proven performer used
by experts the world over.